Seek Out What Elevates Your Spirit in 2025

Seek Out What Elevates Your Spirit in 2025

Maybe you’ve heard about the book Top Regrets of the Dying by Brownie Ware? She was a nurse who asked people in palliative care what they regretted the most about their life. At the top of the list was: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the...
Do You Need a Relationship Tune Up?

Do You Need a Relationship Tune Up?

“For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the greatest work, the last and final work for which all other is but preparation”. ~R.M. Rilke February is the month that many couples turn their attention to their relationship. Some ramp up the romance and go...
Learning to Accept Your Failures

Learning to Accept Your Failures

After twenty-something years of marriage she had ended it. Now, the house was up for sale and the kids at university. After years of indifference, “flat-lining’, I call it, it had come to this. She had moved out. She was, after all, the one who had been working on...
Emotionally Intelligent Marriages

Emotionally Intelligent Marriages

  Once upon a time when love was new and fresh, we would regularly share our intimate feelings and vulnerabilities with one another. We felt close and connected. But then the pressures and stressors of modern life set in. We are asked to juggle our many roles and...
Best Advice for Couples: Elle Magazine Interview

Best Advice for Couples: Elle Magazine Interview

ELLE MAGAZINE:  What are your top three pieces of love and dating advice based on your research and experience with couples?     GRACE:  1. Listen with Your Heart—Good communicators listen for feelings as well as facts. They naturally make people feel special and...
Why a Couple’s Retreat vs. Traditional Counselling

Why a Couple’s Retreat vs. Traditional Counselling

Traditional Therapy Only Goes So Far: There are many reasons why people choose a Couple’s Retreat or marriage intensive over traditional talk therapy for marital issues. First of all, traditional therapy  (CBT cognitive behaviour therapy) is extremely limited...