The Grace Authority
Grace Cirocco is leading authority on relationships, emotional intelligence, mental resilience and how to live a more meaningful and joy-filled life. She is the best-selling author of Take the Step, the Bridge will be There named a perennial “classic” by her publisher, HarperCollins. Grace’s passion for people, practical wisdom and empathy for the suffering of others combine to offer a rare and transformative experience for her clients.
Couples Therapy Weekend Retreat
Come to Niagara and give your relationship a jolt of renewed energy! At Grace’s Couples Retreat Weekend, learn to communicate your feelings, let go of the hurts and experience an emotional connection like never before. Open to all couples interested in healing and enhancing an intimate partnership.

Women’s Therapy Weekend Retreat
Are you tired of holding up the world and being everything to everybody? If you are feeling overwhelmed, stuck or lost with the pressures and responsibilities of life, then Grace invites you to join her at her Goddess Retreat. You will re-connect with your authentic Self and heal any relationship hurt that is weighing you down.

Coaching With Grace

Relationship Blog
Using her knowledge of mental and emotional health as well as an integrated approach with traditional and non traditional therapies, Grace has helped transform the lives of thousands of men and women with her one-on-one Coaching and at her Intensive Retreats.
Seek Out What Elevates Your Spirit in 2025
Maybe you’ve heard about the book Top Regrets of the Dying by Brownie Ware? She was a nurse who asked people in palliative care what they regretted the most about their life. At the top of the list was: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the...
Do You Need a Relationship Tune Up?
“For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the greatest work, the last and final work for which all other is but preparation”. ~R.M. Rilke February is the month that many couples turn their attention to their relationship. Some ramp up the romance and go...
Learning to Accept Your Failures
After twenty-something years of marriage she had ended it. Now, the house was up for sale and the kids at university. After years of indifference, “flat-lining’, I call it, it had come to this. She had moved out. She was, after all, the one who had been working on...
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