Women’s Retreat Testimonials
What women have to say about the Take the Step Intensive Retreat
“Dear Grace, I’m still in awe regarding what you did – wrangling 24 women through days of emotional minefields!! I found myself needing lots of time to process the flood of information and insights when I got home – plus processing about 50 years worth of my own shit. That has continued – and I’ve stayed in this changed place – which I find remarkable. It’s just not wearing off or dissipating. Things are continuing to shift inside me – old (outdated) ways of thinking, previous prejudices, familial lies – all are getting pulled out, examined, and allowed to dry up and blow away. I have had the most intimate, connected and loving discussions with my daughter since my return from your woman’s retreat – I’m able to just meet her where she is. I’ve owned my poor parenting with her and apologized from the heart for the hurt I caused by my actions or my neglect. There’s more ahead, I’m sure, but I’m not rushing to fix her shit – which is another mini miracle.
- I can breathe fully and completely – again I didn’t realize that anxiety and worry was causing me to constrict my breathing – breathing fully is a good thing!!
- I can ask for help – which I NEVER did before.
- I am playing more and working less: kayaking, biking, walking, talking – having fun.
- I’m finding myself to be much more curious and interested in examining reactions (mine and others) and I’m much less likely to react angrily.
- I no longer have negative judgments around showing or feeling emotions. I’m looking at people, and myself, in a very different way.
- I’m kinder and more… me. You really turned me inside out and I am grateful. I feel lighter and clean and renewed…and grateful, ever so grateful.
- The retreat exceeded my expectations – I found myself. I found my love for others. I found the gift I was stifling for years – to truly hear and heal.
After wrestling with it and thinking about it a ton I’ve decided that what you do is equal parts science, intuition, training and magic. I don’t “do” woo, woo but now I believe in magic. I have raved about your workshop, to anyone who will listen, since I got home. I would send everyone I could to your retreat if I had the power to do so. The gift you have Grace is to heal people’s hearts and souls – which is wonderful beyond words. I don’t know how you would do it but you absolutely must find other people you can train to do this!! So many people need to heal and love themselves and there is only one of you!! I don’t know how you would do it but every province needs a Grace!!” Judy Williams, Vancouver, BC
When I arrived at your Women`s Retreat, I was feeling a lot of anxiety about my break up and going back to work. A day or two after I got home, my anxiety is almost gone. I feel calm and at peace and am now feeling I want to go back to work. Before your Women`s Retreat, I felt lost, alone and anxious. I feel the experience with you has helped me to move much further down the path to healing and helped me immensely in the grieving process. Thank you Grace. I loved meeting all the women and hearing their stories. It made me realize that we all have our stories, we all have our pain and although the source may vary, we are all the same which gave me a great sense of connection with all the women. Rebecca Fischer, Grande Prairie, AB
“I was nervous the night before the women’s retreat because I was worried I wouldn’t get as much out of it as your amazing Couples Retreat…. WOW!!! Was I wrong. The Women’s Retreat was above and beyond any expectations I had. My greatest gift from your Women’s Retreat weekend was getting myself back and seeing that the way I want to live is possible. There were so many favourite moments…. Even when my emotions were sad I was content doing the work to push myself forward as I trusted you completely. I enjoyed and still cherish in my memory the whole weekend. I guess I would have to say I LOVED when we did the exercises outside in the forest….I have always loved the outdoors but something happened that I can’t explain that really got me to connect and feel the positive energy and be so grateful of nature itself. I also had another wonderful experience when we meditated. I was brought to tears of joy with what I experienced and saw and felt. It was amazing meeting all the wonderful women on the weekend and I look forward to their friendships to continue. You are truly an Angel Grace with such an amazing gift in helping people. I truly believe I can be a much better version of myself and finally be the woman I am meant to be, for myself and for my family. I felt so lost a month ago and now I feel excited about each and every day! Please never stop doing what you do Grace :)” Laurie Ullman, Aurora, ON
Vancouver, BC
Beaverlodge, AB
Toronto, ON
“Grace, you truly are an angel. Thank you for the love and compassion you selflessly share to help women like me find a happier more fulfilling path through life. You were named Grace for a reason!!! You have done this retreat many times but your enthusiasm and devotion is still fresh and you make each individual feel special and truly loved. I feel honored that I was able to finally meet you and become one of your Goddesses. The greatest gift for me was having my spirituality revived. I’ve always struggled with “God” and religion and belief but this past weekend I was touched with an internal presence that was shown to me in external ways (for example the hawk I saw on the way to the airport). I’m happy to have released and shared so many thoughts and emotions that have been locked away inside of me for a long time. I now have the tools to move my life forward. I feel a real sense of serenity, peace and hope. I really appreciate the on-going support from you and my fellow Goddesses. Thanks again Grace for a life changing experience. ” Carol Schmidt, New Westminster, BC
“Hello Grace, I just wanted to let you know that it has been one year since attending your woman’s retreat and I still feel great. I just thought you should know that your intensive healing program worked wonders for me. I’ve been on top of the world pretty much ever since; of course we all have our ups and downs but I notice that I bounce back way faster. I also took your advice and have found myself some good girlfriends and what a difference it makes! Now if only my husband would come to your men’s retreat. I know it is exactly what he needs as his heart has acquired a lot of sludge over the years and he, like me, needs to purge it all out to feel great about life. Thanks again Grace. I’ll see you at the next Goddess Club.” Michelle T. Toronto
Grace: “You are an AMAZING individual and I don’t know if your parents realized at the time you were born what an incredible gift you would be to the world!! I have been to therapists before and what makes you special is your intuitive compassion along with your in depth knowledge of the mind and spirit. Yours is a “one stop shop”. Your strength is amazing! It has taken me this long to realize I own my power and my feelings and that was my big Ah Ha moment at your Women’s Retreat. No one can take my power away unless I let them. A big thank you and love!” Julia D. Toronto

“Grace, whenever, I feel a tinge of depression creeping. I tell myself, ‘Stop. You’ve come a long way. Look at what you’ve accomplished. Look how different you are. I am living like a woman and not some depressed adolescent’. I owe this to you, Grace. My relationship with my mother is stronger, smoother and less awkward. Thank you for releasing my heart from its prison of pain and depression. Thank you for giving me my self-esteem back. Thank you for showing me the way towards a more authentic path. Thank you for helping me realize, though I stumble, make mistakes and fall throughout this journey, I have the courage to go on. Thank you for being there all the times I needed you. Thank you for caring despite your gazillion clients, friends, family and responsibilities. Thank you for showing me how to be authentic, for being such a strong, beautiful role model.” Caroline B., Toronto, ON
I am so grateful Grace that I registered myself for your woman’s retreat! It was just what I needed! I was feeling “kind of flat” needing something to kick-start me again. It’s been about 10 days and I feel like I have been rejuvenated, uplifted and my true self. I feel much happier, have accomplished a few things I have been procrastinating with. I was humbled listening to other stories and I loved the trust that our group developed for each other. I thought the exercise we did when our group sat around us and repeated our affirmation was very powerful. I felt my joy coming back to me as the weekend went on. The experience surpassed my expectations. I can’t thank you enough Grace for leading these workshops, you are a true angel and you are doing the work the universe has put you here for. Cindy Nilsen, Thorold, ON
“My greatest gift from your woman’s retreat is you Grace!!! You have taught me to love myself and to believe in myself again. You have given me back my life, my voice, my self esteem, my worth. You’ve shown me that wonderful possibilities lie ahead of me if I reach out and believe in them. You’ve taught me how my brain works, something I can’t wait to learn more about. You’ve taught me that it is my job to fill myself up and that depression is repression. Grace; your woman’s retreat will allow me to make changes in my life that should have been made years ago. I have a new positive attitude and for once I feel real hope… No spa or girls weekend away could ever top what I felt and gained from your Goddess weekend!!! It was the best weekend of my life!” Vicky Cooper, Kincardine, ON
““When I arrived at your women’s retreat, I was expecting a ‘girls weekend’ with some spa time, a little self help and some rest and relaxation, -WRONG!! Instead I was able to experience something far beyond anything I could ever have imagined. It was a powerful and amazing experience to be able to start the weekend feeling like I was so different from everyone there and to end the weekend feeling so connected to every woman in the room. By healing together with all the different women there, I was able to heal parts of myself that I didn’t know needed healing. The bond that we all made together was a true bond of ‘sisterhood’ and something I would have never in a million years have expected!! Grace, you are such an extraordinary person. You touched my heart so deeply and I trusted you with my deepest darkest truths, something that I could not have done with anyone else. I’m so glad I trusted you even when my rational brain was telling me to run!! How can one put into words how grateful they are to have been blessed by your gifts. You have a way of making everyone feel like they are so important to you. I don’t know how you do it. It is definitely something miraculous!! ” Sharon “Principessa”, Toronto, ON
“Never in my life have I been showered with so much love than at your woman’s retreat. Grace you reached deep into my heart and I am reclaiming all that I am. It was very empowering to meet so many wonderful women and having them by my side as we all healed and transformed. I have started journaling. I am emptying negative feelings and writing down what I am grateful for everyday. Emotions from the past continue to surface. As you suggested, I have written my healing letter to my son. I know he has a lot of hurt and anger. I am so sorry and I’m asking to be forgiven. I feel it is only the beginning of my healing journey.” Ghislaine M, Sudbury, ON
“I knew I needed some personal spiritual renewal and I was expecting good things from the workshop but my experience went way beyond my expectations. I feel like a new person on a very deep level. I am open to life and love in very new ways. My relationships with everyone from work colleagues to close friends and family , have been strengthened and renewed. I feel new abundance and excitement for my life and so very blessed. I feel like wonderful things have been coming into my life since the retreat and I am really excited about discovering what is on the other side of my career bridge. My husband, children and close friends have seen and felt the difference in me! Grace, I am so thankful that I have met you and walked on this profound personal journey with you. I love and honor your beautiful spirit Grace and thank you for giving me the most wonderful experience of my life.” Barb Beauchamp, Markham, ON
Dear Grace, I wanted to tell you that my life has completely changed and when I trace back all of my success and all of my changes, it goes directly back to you. You helped me heal. You helped me find my inner self. You helped me thrive instead of just surviving. In 15 days I will be officially divorced from Andy. I loved him with all my heart but I loved him to my own detriment. I loved his soul not his choices. I loved his heart but not his disease. It took me coming to your relationship retreat to love him from a distance and free myself. You helped me heal 30 plus year of pain, regret, loss and suffering at your Take the Step Women’s retreat. I could finally let it go and move on. After that retreat I allowed myself to Live Big when I joined you at your Sedona retreat. Living Big was something that I was afraid of but I felt it was my birthright. My mother died at 58 and a few years before she died she confided crying to me that she could have been somebody and how she felt she had cheated herself by not living up to her potential. Thanks to you, I will not die with that regret in me like my mother. Rob and I just bought our dream home. We are doing really well. But as you know, we weathered some serious issues. It wasn’t easy but again your guidance at your Couples Retreat helped us heal our past. It gave us the foundation to see where our pain was originating from and to find new solutions to resolve any issues that came up. With 5 children between us, EX’s, deaths, financial, health etc., we have gone through it all in the 3 years we have been together. Thank you dear Grace for the gift you give us all. Thank you for being a part of my life and my journey. I wanted you to know that you have truly made a huge difference in my life and I am able to break the chain of the past by becoming a whole healed woman myself. I can now make a difference to others especially my own daughter. Big love to you, Kathy B. Toronto, ON
“Hi Grace, I wasn’t really sure what to expect from your Women’s Retreat, but I knew that I wanted to be free of my negative emotions. I have always felt this tightness inside of me, but now I feel great inner peace and less angst on a daily basis. I was able to get rid of those dark feelings that weighed me down. I’ve taken away concrete skills for dealing with fear, shame, and anger. I am so happy I’ve met so many incredible women! I won’t soon forget the group NLP exercise we did. Grace, I loved how you interacted and shared the material with us. You are so brave and bold and not afraid to encourage us to go to some ‘ugly’ places to deal with our stuff. Your hugs and kisses and whisperings in my ear still linger on…I can still hear your voice! I have to tell you that before I registered for your women’s retreat, I dreamt of an owl, (I love owls) and I took it as a sign to come. Therefore, I found it extremely synchronistic that the owl would show up at our fire ceremony! I felt she was saying “Good for you!” “You did it”…and I felt blessed to have listened to my inner voice. Thank you so much!” Sheila Girard, Peace River, AB
“Dear Grace, Thank you for helping me rediscover myself. I feel so good and empowered and I like “me” again, for the first time in a very long time. You are truly an amazing woman. I have never met anyone quite like you, and I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are a true healer! This was the best weekend of my life. I am so proud for working so hard and am going to do everything I can to keep the momentum going. I do want to continue on this journey. I am going to take small steps to keep spirituality in my life. I also want to get off my medication. I want to know the real me, and accept my feelings. I finally feel that this is now a possibility thanks to the work I did at your retreat. So much love and gratitude” Amy R. Toronto
“Your women’s retreat exceeded my expectations 100%. I knew it was going to be great because of all the amazing testimonials I read on your website from goddesses who went before me. Now I understand why I often found adjectives like “transformative” to describe this experience; because that is exactly what it is/was. It was such a rich experience and I learned so much about women and how we too often “swallow” our pain and pay a huge personal price for it when it is buried and not processed (as in seen, felt and released). I also was reminded that women need other women to help each other through this life journey. Together we can be such a powerful support to one and other. Grace is one of the most impactful facilitators/presenters I have ever experienced. She has an amazing gift. She is the real deal and has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. She has given me the most amazing gift through this Retreat. Grace, there are no words to describe the gratitude I feel. Thank you and love from the bottom of my now whole heart.” Carol Cinnamon, Calgary
“My life and my heart has changed forever after your Women’s Retreat. Through my dreams I can tell I am processing all which was introduced to me. Each night I dream of old hurts, yearnings, fears. Upon waking I am able to sit with all of these ‘files’ and acknowledge the pain that put them there and use my new abilities to release them. I am so grateful. It’s like a computer virus scan going through my heart and head while I sleep gathering up all that does not compliment my joy. I have found I am more gentle with my words – I support and listen…naturally. That is the amazing part. It is not like I am trying to internalize steps from a self help book and play them out in my life. I AM gentler, I AM more joyful. Thank God and thank you.” Beverley Miranda, Brantford, ON
“Dear Grace: I really wasn’t sure what to expect from your women’s retreat, except I just knew I needed to go. I needed to heal my past. I needed to become healthier minded in order to become a better mother, wife, career woman, person. I was ridden with anger-a result of suppressed hurt I had never dealt with from my past. Your women’s retreat has been life changing for me. I traded in my old “lenses” for a new pair, and now the world is a much better place as a result of it. Thanks “Mamma Bear” for being part of my transformation. I will never forget this experience. I am blessed, and extremely fortunate… to have received this help before I wasted any more of my life being angry. My anger was literally making me sick. I know that my father led me to you. He wanted to stop the cycle of passing along the anger torch in our family. You are an angel Grace – how did your mother know to call you Grace? She knew you’d be magnificent long before you proved it to the world. TASHI DELEY GRACE!! ” Jeannette Kulik R.D.H. Fonthill, ON
“This was by far the best long weekend of my life! I thought I was going on this retreat to gain clarity about my life and why I act the way I do but I received so much more than that! I was hoping to leave this retreat with more self-confidence but I had no idea that I would leave with a heart full of love and rid myself of all my anger, fear and shame. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am now free to love myself and others around me. Grace, I cannot begin to express the appreciation I have for you. I haven’t felt so loved as I did at your women’s retreat. Your compassion, hugs, love and affirming words are truly life changing. I am so very grateful for your kindness. This experience has completely changed my life. I look at everything differently now, I am a total optimist and I get so excited about the little things. I am no longer filled with anger and negativity. I am a new woman! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Grace, I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to have met you and shared this incredible experience with so many other beautiful women–my new Goddess Girlfriends. Thank you!!!” Amy Dussault, Waterloo, ON
“Dear Grace: Since coming home from your women’s retreat, I have been feeling so much better about everything. Before the retreat, I don’t think I would have been able to handle my husband’s rejection as well I am now. I feel so much stronger. It’s still so hard to think about the day that he blindsided me and told me he was unhappy with me. I am still grieving for the loss because I still love him but the difference now is that I am not allowing myself to take the blame for his unhappiness. I thank YOU for the strength and courage I am feeling right now. I thank you for helping me to restore positive feelings in myself. I cannot tell you enough how much your women’s Intensive meant to me, how wonderful was to meet all the other women and what a gift you are to me and to so many others. You are truly Amazing Grace! God Bless you for all you do.” Love always, Katy Calkins, Alberta
“Dear Grace: Thanks for a life changing long weekend! Your woman’s retreat went way beyond my expectations. You are truly gifted in the healing of the heart and soul. You provided the guidance, the encouragement and the confidence to remove many layers of accumulated toxic waste and to reveal our true inner child. I came with a dark cloud covering me and left with sunshine surrounding me. I now know that if I listen carefully, the universe will direct me in the path to follow.” Lise R. Toronto
“Grace, how can I say thank you for answering your life’s calling. You are such a beautiful woman and truly so magnificent. I feel so much lighter. I am amazed at how much anger I had pent up inside of me. It is now gone and still feeling a little raw. That is ok, I am different now. I vibrate at a higher level. I thank God for you and your gift and for the healing that has occurred! I can already see a difference in my relationships without the anger and from everything I have learned so far.” Christy Newton, Albany NY
“Dearest Grace, How can I say thank you and express the gratitude that I feel to God for bringing you into my life! You truly are a Godsend and have the most appropriate name “Grace”. I smile when I think of you because of the happiness my heart feels because of the work we have done together. Even as I write this, my heart overflows with emotion and brings tears to my eyes because I can now feel what I could not before and see what I could not see before. There has been a shift in my perception as I choose compassion over ego more and more. I look so forward to the day that I can forever bury the demons of my past and feel the love I would like to have especially towards my parents. I do so very much appreciate your kindness and heart full of love. How awesome that you are able to give to so many and by doing so enable them to love more and live happier lives. I love you Grace.” Christina C. Philadelphia
“Grace’s woman’s retreat went beyond my expectations! I thought I was going on a retreat to gain clarity about my life’s purpose. I got so much more than that. Grace truly is an amazing woman. She is inspirational. I have quite high standards but I have nothing to criticize about Grace’s weekend. She truly cares and she delivers quality in terms of the materials used and the workshops she prepares. I feel blessed and filled with gratitude that I could attend this retreat. I got so much more than I came for. If you are “ripe” for change and willing to do the work, Grace will guide you to a much better, healthier and authentic place. Tashi Deley to Grace and future participants.” Carol B. Toronto, ON
“Grace, I must tell you…. weeks after the retreat I have had so many aha moments, where I feel engaged in life like when I was a kid, so aware of my surroundings and excited and filled with adventure and possibilities. I have been speaking up in situations that used to put me into a state of confusion and I’ve been conversing with my Dad in ways like never before, with clarity and conviction. I know that you have been instrumental in helping me to remove the deep emotional injustice that was in my cells and this has allowed me to regain my passion for life. I feel joy and happiness like I am ALIVE and like I’m getting a second chance to be the authentic ME more and more every day. Words are not enough to express how much I love you and how much you truly mean to me. At the end of my life as I go through the tunnel I will remember how I felt with you at the Kingview Farm in Aurora, fearless and undamaged, like I belong to this divine mystery called life!” Pennie Forma, Oakville, ON
“Dear Grace, You’ve done it again! I thought the Couple’s Retreat worked wonders for my relationship and now the Woman’s Retreat has been a miracle for me! With your guidance, love and support I was able to free my heart from the cold, black cage that had imprisoned it for so long. I am now free to give my love completely, and better still, receive the love that I have been denying myself, all these years. I find myself seeking friendships, no longer afraid to get close to people, wanting to fill my heart with love. I now have the confidence in myself to go after what I want, without the fear of failure. You are an amazing person, Grace. I am so incredibly thankful that I found you.” Heidi Vanderkolff, Burlington, ON
“Grace is a living angel, dedicated to helping women with emotional trauma. She has the ability to nuture and guide many women. Her book was an exceptional tool in my life. Her retreats are the life line for any woman struggling with self esteem issues. Her compassion for humanity does in fact raise the vibration of the planet…she has saved my life!! She is my great inspiration, motivator and humanitarian.” Filomena Costa, Mississauga, ON
“It has been a little over a week since the TTS Intensive Retreat and it is amazing how much better I feel about myself, how much more secure I feel about my decisions…I know without any doubt that God knew what he was doing when he put you on this earth. Not only did you open my mind, you healed my heart, you liberated my soul and you set my spirit free. There is some more healing to do but with the tools that I took home with me and the knowledge that you are there and so are the Goddesses, I am convinced that I can do it. You are undeniably an Angel of God. I love you Grace.” Tashi Deley, Monique Danis, Cantley, QC
“Grace, your woman’s retreat was one of the best weekends of my life! I knew it would be good because Bob and I had already experienced your work at the couples retreat but this was “over the top” fantastic. I now have techniques that I can use with those I love who piss me off the most. I know that I am NOT what other people think of me or what I look like or how I appear…..I am pure love and I know how to access that pure love. Grace, I love your stories. You’ve been there and have the confidence to share your humanity. I believe that by sharing your own vulnerability, you put us all on a level playing field and that was essential for me to open up and share. Your style is magnetic, your love for us feels so damn good. Your hugs and affirming words are like our fantasy mother speaking. I felt like your special child even though I have children not far off your age. I love you.” Lucinda Williams, Toronto, ON
“Grace, I love your teaching style (and you have an amazing amount of energy and stamina!). You walk the walk and talk the talk. You ARE love. You loved us when we needed to be loved up and you pushed us when we needed to be pushed. You helped us find the courage to break through our barriers. You are a spiritual midwife and a gifted healer. And you are an inspiration. I feel even more inspired now to follow my passion and share my gifts. Thank you for being an example of love, kindness and courage.” Lorraine Jordan, Comox, BC
“My dearest Grace..out of all the seminars, books, etc that I have read and/or attended, not one of them moved me to the level of spiritual connection as you have. You are love and your TTS weekend awakened my Spirit. I can’t thank you enough. I thank God for your soul and your inspiration. May God and all the angels continue to watch over you and your family and give you the wisdom you need to continue doing this work for women.” Juanita Shay, Porter’s Lake, NS
“My dearest Grace, I keep going back to the last few moments of the weekend…I keep hearing your last few words of love, encouragement and acceptance; I keep seeing the passion and sincerity with which you cried out these words…i could see—we all could see–that you meant them with your heart and soul. What strikes me over and over again is how GIVING you are—it really struck me in those last few moments…giving of not just your love, but of your precious time, emotional energy and your heart. You have such tremendous generosity of spirit, Grace, and it makes me feel utterly in awe of you.” Kim Alexander, Toronto, ON
“Your TTS retreat on Vancouver Island surpassed my expectations. The best retreat I have ever been to. Grace, I love listening to you talk. You are such a wealth of information and everything you said made so much sense. But it was not just a matter of listening and making notes, you actually had us experience (the change) inside of us. I loved your NLP exercises and all the activities we did. I learned that I am magnificent just the way I am! Grace, I know that God is using you in a mighty way, and you are a true healer. You are the most beautiful loving person!! Thanks for everything.” June Grain, Campbell River, BC
“Salutations dear Grace. I have been “percolating”, digesting and reflecting on all that transpired at our wonderful retreat on Vancouver Island. I feel like I’ve come home to my authentic self and for now I am finding great peace and serenity in my own company, something which I have not done for a long time. Thank you for everything you did to help me find the forgotten pieces of myself. The weekend certainly surpassed all of my expectations….being by water is such an asset for “soul work”, as it provided for me a soothing, cleansing sense of God’s timelessness and pure love. Grace, you were amazing in your ability to build “community” among such a diverse group of women. Thank you for your hard work, your compassion, your stamina and skill in gently guiding our inner child and helping to release the authentic woman “behind the masks”. You are an angel!!” Faye, Alberta
“Grace, I cannot tell you how much you have changed my relationship with my sister and have helped me to embrace her and her life in ways I did not think possible. You saved our relationship. So easily I was heading down the path of woe is me again…You helped us face the facts and forgive each other and we actually get along better than ever now and it is all thanks to you. Grace, you have the amazing gift of getting people to open their heart to its trueness. I can’t thank you enough.” Nikki Johnson, St. Paul, MN
Grace, thank you so much for coming into my life. I know the Angel that saved me being in that car accident was the one who guided me to you. You are an Angel and I will be forever grateful for God blessing the world with someone like you. Since coming home from your Women’s Retreat, I am feeling so alive and happy inside. My kids say they can totally see a change in me. I spoke to my best friend, who I was feeling hurt by and now we are fine. My heart feels so much lighter and I am now ready to continue to take care of my heart and live a full and blessed life. God Bless you! Katy C. Edmonton, Alberta
“You are the greatest blessing Grace, to each soul that you touch … I’m forever indebted having had the opportunity to have met you … so deeply grateful to have encountered even just one moment of your love. Love you, love you, love you, xo” Charmaine, Toronto, ON
Dear Grace:” You have shone your light on yet another group of craving, seeking, searching women. You have taken your beautiful energy and illuminated the path. You are indeed gifted and I know you will be rewarded in heaven, as those who are blessed and use their gifts are rewarded. Every woman on the planet NEEDS your Goddess retreat!!” Roseanne, Toronto, ON
“Grace you are an amazing healer. You took me to places in my psyche where I would never have chosen to go alone. Thank you!!!! Not many people could have drawn me out as you did and convinced me to share my deepest thoughts and secrets. I can’t put into words how changed I feel. I have always known that my fears were such a wasted emotion, but I only knew it in my “head”, now I know it in my “heart”. I feel stronger, wiser, I know so much more about “me” and what my triggers are. I can’t thank you enough for seeing what I needed to do and helping me do it.” Mary, Guelph, ON
“Miramichi’s Amazing Grace–you have changed lives here! You have taken people deep into their core, and shown them how to find greatness. Your style is amazing and incredibly effective. How great it must feel to be spreading such peace. I honor you.” Dawn Donovan, Miramichi, NB
“It is not so much about what I brought back with me after the TTS, but what I left behind. The negative is gone and although I cannot specifically label what that even is, I feel as though my soul has been rekindled. I just cannot get over how much I love my family! I get excited about the small things…like I used to. Negative environments no longer restrain me. I am hopeful, enthusiastic and secure in my world. Grace is a source of light and in working through processes with her, the light is passed. We in turn, carry the light to areas in our lives that need illumination. My world is brighter and even though I still have questions, I know the answers will come. I really do! Spiritually, Grace you allowed me to embrace a side of me that I had resigned to the societal norms, the obligations of parenthood and the responsibilities of a demanding career. I was looking for permission to read the signs, cultivate my spirit and open my heart to patience and hope. You provided me with all of these things and in a manner that was completely unobtrusive and accepting. You read between the lines to a degree that is purely selfless and entirely absent of judgment. You have provided me with a gateway to an area of my world that I had left behind and I am thoroughly excited to re-enter… at my own pace and in my own way.” Marie Shippel, Georgetown, ON
“I thank you with all of my heart for the work that you do and the work you did with me this weekend. I feel so free and am really ready to begin living my life again in a new way. Stefano is amazed at the woman who walked in the door and thanks you as well (full frontals being just one of the many perks he is thankful for). Grace you have helped to give myself back to me and to my husband and to my kids. My daughter said to me today, “mommy you look so different! You even sound different, not just the words you are saying but your voice too!” She is my beautiful Goddessina and I’m prepping her for her entry into Goddesshood! Again, a million gazillion thank yous!!” Love, Goddess Nancy
“Hi Amazing Grace! I’ve used your book now for one of my Worldview papers at university and I received an A- on the paper. It’s a 4 year level course, and I wasn’t sure if the prof would accept it as an academic source, but I wanted you to know that he compared it to the Bible writings of Paul! Love, and light!” Kate, N.B.
“Grace: I cannot begin to tell you how you set me free, from all the grief I was feeling. I thought that I had dealt with all the pain, but I was only fooling myself, and as we know, the sorrow/grief is still waiting at the door for you. I was a complete mess when I came to the retreat. Had I not come to you retreat, I am not sure where I would be right now. I cannot thank you enough Grace, you have touched me forever. During the time at the retreat, you would look into my eyes, and I would cry, because you were looking into my soul and saw my pain. I felt such a connection to you and to your soul, I cannot explain it. I will never forget what you had done for me. Things have definitely changed in my life. I know that I have come to terms with all the losses in my life.” Josie, Toronto, ON
“Dear Grace: Finally, I am starting to like myself. I hated myself and my body for so long. I am really trying to take better care of myself. I am working out with a personal trainer and I feel wonderful. I guess no one really likes to exercise, however I absolutely love the way I feel afterwards. I am working full time now and trying to juggle everything like everyone else. I am starting to ask for help from my family, which I get resistance from, but I set everyone straight. Thank You, Thank You Thank You Grace!!! You have done so much for me and for all women around the world. This is truly your calling. I am so blessed and privileged to have met you!” Joanne C. Aurora, ON
“Dear Grace, This is the first time that I have contacted you since the retreat but I must say that not one day has gone by without thinking of you. I am not even sure that I would be able to tell you in words how I feel about you. Meeting you was such a huge gift. You are by far my inspiration. I find myself not speaking of the retreat per say but I am pretty sure that anyone who I have spoken to knows how WONDERFUL you are. You are so real and so true and you overflow with love. Thank you, thank you for all that you have taught me about me. This is just the beginning of a much more fullfilled loving life. From the most loving part of my heart to yours THANK YOU for being you” Kelli Diselets, Niagara Falls, ON
“Grace, words cannot describe the depth of appreciation I have for you. Your woman’s retreat was the greatest miracle I’ve ever experienced next to the birth of each of my babies. I must admit to you that there was a moment while I was standing in the security line at the airport I thought about turning around, jumping in a taxi and going home to sleep for days. And then I heard a voice in my head: “All you have to do is show up”. As you know Grace, I was completed defeated, depressed as all hell and beaten down by the events in my life. Somehow I found my strength, and I made it to your retreat, even after missing my original flight! I am so grateful I did!!!! The transformation and the healing that took place is PHENOMENAL!! I know, without a doubt in my heart that this is only the beginning of me stepping out fearless onto the bridge of endless possibilities. THANK YOU for helping me to reconnect with who I am. I POWERFUL!!!
You my dearest Grace are one of the most incredible women I have ever met! I was in awe of you by the end of the women’s weekend. Your heart just gives so much, your passion is so uplifting!!! You’re truly a Goddess Midwife, birthing all of us through our pain, anguish, fears, bitterness, and rage. Your work truly mirrors the process of birth in so many ways. As a midwife, I know that the hardest part of labor– the place we reach in birth that is so difficult you literally feel like checking out and dying. Much like natural birth you cannot be rescued through it – It is you that must surrender, find your power and get through it alone…No one can do it for you. Like a good midwife you stood guard holding space, believing in our ability to transform & empower our hearts. As I move through this week I am nurturing myself much like I would post-partum, not answering calls, not letting anyone in my house, taking warm baths, eating good foods…enjoying the bliss and nurturing the new me I discovered this weekend. I LOVE YOU Grace!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! ” Goddess Kimberly, Chicago, IL
“I feel as though a pure white beam of light has gently entered my heart and permeated my entire inner core. My being is filled with so much love, acceptance and compassion for myself. My anxiety and fear has been released. I believe that you are a priceless gift from God above. I continue to be astounded at how you inspire, radiate truth, heal hearts and unleash the true power from within. You are a Magnificent Goddess.” Linda Moras, Montreal, QC
“I feel peaceful and relieved at having explored and addressed my inner “workings” within a supportive and safe group setting, with a great leader/facilitator. I feel honoured to have been part of other people’s journeys and life’s wishes. The number of days was perfect. The outside setting was beautiful. The meals were good and varied; good idea to have fruit and snacks available all weekend. Thank you, Grace, for this wonderful opportunity, and for your amazing facilitation of the group. I love your “spunky personality” – how you role model for us confidence, assertiveness, humour, vulnerability, story telling, compassion, and aliveness! You have amazing insight into people and you can, with amazing accuracy, articulate what you see in us….I learned so much about myself and I now have great clarity about my next steps.” Monique R. London, ON
“Grace, you totally amaze me. I thank God that I had the opportunity to be present at your weekend retreat…you somehow know exactly how to get to the core of our issues and the most incredible thing is that you care about each one of us. You spent as much time as you needed so that we “got it”. You allowed me to get in touch with a piece of myself that was literally screaming to surface. I am enriched by my experience and I find myself giving more love to many people. I look for the anger that has haunted me for 7 years, and I truly can’t find it anywhere. I am at peace with myself and my past. You are so knowledgeable and wise Grace. You are a beautiful soul, sent by the Universe to move and awaken others’ spirits. You moved mine. It is awake, alive and kicking!! I can’t thank you enough.” Tina Luna, Acton, ON
“I’m so happy I attended your retreat with my daughter. She has really made a change in her attitude and life. Her face is lighter, her footsteps are lighter and we can all see how much happier she is. She looks at me with love and respect in her eyes. That Grace, I can never put a price on, you are indeed a miracle worker. I had no doubt that you could help us. I will never know how I can give you what you have given to me and my family. I love you Grace Cirocco!!!!!” Debbie M, Guelph, ON
“Dear Grace, Thank you for being you. I am so lucky to have met you. I wish everyone at some point in their life could have the chance to meet you and experience your retreats. You truly are an Angel. You saved me from a life of heartache.” Much love, Erin, Hamilton, ON
“I have energy now Grace and I can feel my heart beating . I am so glad I made the decision to attend the retreat. It has made a world of difference in my life and I know the journey has just begun. I just had to tell you what a difference it has made… the feeling just grows, it doesn’t diminish the further I get away from that weekend. Thank you is not enough to say to you.” With love, Faye, Kingston, ON
“Everytime I do a retreat or a workshop with you, or even when I hear your cds or read a passage from your book, I am speechless. It occurs to me that this is probably no accident. I view it as a reminder that I need to get quiet so I can feel gratitude and appreciate the path that my life has taken, and the ‘bridge’ that you have inspired for me. At every step of my personal journey, I feel supported by you and encouraged by all of the ways you make your presence felt. You do such an excellent job of being Grace Cirocco, Inspirational Woman, Goddess and Teacher. You mean the world to me.”Susan S
“Grace, I can’t begin to thank you enough – not only for our special TTS weekend, but for just who you are – the very core of you, that dances through our hearts, lightens our souls, whispers love and encouragement into our eager ears, and teaches us to fly with our new gossamer butterfly wings. You breathe life and goodness and power into us. You show us we are all goddesses in our own unique ways, and we are all worthy beings.” Sandy,Toronto, ON
” I would recommend this weekend to any woman because I saw so much positive come out of it…..I watched you, Grace, pour your heart and soul into the weekend and it was amazing….I know you care deeply and do great work. Thank you for everything.” Sheila MacNaughton, Collingwood, ON
“Grace you have changed my life. I look at everything differently. I know that things are going to change for me and that I have the power within me to make this happen. I just need to be patient, everything happens in divine time. You are an amazing EARTH ANGEL and God has blessed the world by sending you. Thank you for being the magnificent woman that you are. I still feel your magic everyday. Thank you Grace.” Kelly B, Kitchener, ON
“Since the Retreat I feel more confident, like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and I will get there. I highly recommend your life changing course to every woman I meet. Grace, you are a true inspiration. Last week I was doing some computer training in the city. I came across a small spiritual shop with lots of self-help books. I mentioned to the owner about your book and that I thought she should have it in her shop because it was so good. She then said that she had it but all the copies were sold out!! I told her what an amazing person you were and then I proudly showed her my Goddess bracelet that I got at the retreat. Everytime I wear that bracelet I feel so empowered. As I walked along the street I can’t tell you how many men took a “double take”, whistled and held elevators. It was a wonderful feeling. My energy has totally changed. Even my husband is looking at me with different eyes…. I really love you Grace. When I asked the Universe to send me someone in the physical form, I had no idea how wonderful you would make my life. With many, many heartful thanks.” Debbie T. Toronto
“For the longest time I have been very cautious of expressing my feelings because I was afraid that if I didn’t I would maybe cry forever or be so sad that I couldn’t be happy again….since the retreat…. I feel like I’ve experienced some kind of cleansing that I had to go through. I felt lighter and all the emotional exhaustion was gone…how amazing!! And then I remember the thing you kept saying over the weekend, and something that continues to resonate with me: “You need to FEEL to HEAL”. Obviously this is so true. Grace, you are an amazing person. I felt like I was in the same room as a saint or someone who was definitely on a bit higher frequency than most. I felt this as I read your book also. I love your book, I totally resonate with everything you say in it (and I give a copy to every woman I know) and I have learned so much about myself and so many other things. How do you know so much? You are an absolute wealth of knowledge and you are my mentor and example of how I want to live my life from this day forth. I am now a “Grace Groupie” for sure!!” Anna C. Alberta
“Dear Grace: I have been feeling like a gazelle that has been let out of it’s cage!!!!! and it feels great! My life has transformed since your special weekend. My family now eat organic as much as possible, and my son hugs me daily and tells me he loves me, prior to this awakening I think he might have been afraid to…..I am so much more open to possibilities and love and am enjoying a teflon coating that allows me to still feel the pain of others, but not try to internalize and solve it. ….I truly believe that I am an angel, and I am determined to make a difference in others lives too, especially WOMEN. Thank you for everything. I love you.” Pennie F. Milton ON
“Grace, you are incredible. I wish I had someone around me with your insight and passion every day. I feel like I have been on autopilot and unable to take action for a long time. After your retreat, I now have the tools to remove the weight and heavy baggage which used to hold me down. I feel lighter and look forward to more lightness.” Dawn Turrin, Oakville, ON
Dearest Grace. “I’m not only smiling on the outside, for the first time in many, many years, I’m smiling on the inside! Your workshop was awesome! Fantastic! Life-changing! You gave yourself to each one of us without hesitation and it meant the world to me. The revelations I experienced were difficult at times, but so rewarding. Words will never express how thankful I am for the healing I experienced. Thank you for conducting the music and orchestrating the dance. How blessed I am to have met an angel!” Margaret O. St. Catharines,ON
“Greetings Grace – YOU are a MIRACLE !! I AM a MIRACLE !!! I can’t tell you how positive I am feeling these days. It is like the negative self-talk has taken a hiatus. I can’t begin to tell you how my life feels transformed; how I feel transformed. I was put to the test very soon after arriving home and I must say I felt invincible…..I am reading your book again and the light is on! It is all just so much clearer now I can’t begin to tell you” – Debbie Smith, Brantford, ON (HUG)
Grace Cirocco“You’re a fabulous, wonderful lady. Thank you for all your help. You Light up my soul. God bless you always Grace.” Lucille Roy, Miramichi, NB
“Grace, I do believe God chooses the women to fill the seats of your TTS Weekends just as God chose you to spread his light! I thank you for coming to the Miramichi, spending time with us and sharing your love! I look forward to seeing your return next year, and in the years to follow! We’ll be open to God’s direction and listen to his voice! May God continue to bless you and keep you by his side!” Dale Hubbard, Oak Point, NB
“Thank you for modeling to me the “authentic you”… Thank you for your warrior spirit!” Janet Bews, New Waterford, NS
“There is not enough space for what I want to say to Grace! – Grace, you saved my life this weekend. The timing of the workshop was phenomenal. I was ready to run away from my life and not come back. Grace, you made a profound impact on me that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I cannot begin to tell you what you have done for me and my family…from the time I arrived home. I embraced my children for one-half hour right inside the front door and told them that I was finally “home” and that things would be different. My husband was patiently waiting his turn!! Every time I think of you, I cry tears of joy and laughter. You touched my heart like no other person has ever done. I was able to freely tell you that I loved you, which I was not ever able to say to my own father. I THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! ” Love Your Goddess Josie, Toronto, ON
“Grace, I can’t tell you how long I have prayed to God for help. All I know for sure is that long after I lost all hope and belief that God would ever help me, low and behold, He brought me to you. Thank you for teaching me that being your ‘authentic self’ means being true to all of you – the good and the bad … the open and the closed. Thank you for showing me a concrete way to achieving this. And thank you Grace, for allowing God’s love to radiate through you and touch every soul you meet … including mine.” Cathy, Halifax, NS
“Grace, thank you for guiding me and infusing such energy and love into the process. You helped me to access my emotions to enable healing to occur. I am especially grateful for the safe environment you created and your ability to awaken feelings and to gradually guide the healing process to bring me through the pain to a new peaceful authentic self. I loved how you moved between emotional work, cognitive work and kinesthetic activities, enabling us to accomplish so much in a short period of time. The most powerful part of the weekend to me was the reprogramming and the visualization at the end. I never knew until that time that I actually had doubted that I was worthy of love. Thank you, Grace, for leading me through all these exercises until I finally understood that I am worthy of love and I do deserve my soul mate. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Rosalie D. North Bay, ON
“Grace, I cannot begin to express the gratitude I have for the wonderful women’s weekend retreat that you provided. It was truly life changing for me and came at a time when I needed it the most. It has also helped to enhance my relationship with my husband. I feel so blessed to have met you, you are truly an awesome gift from God. Thanks and Tashi Deley!” Pat, Chicago, IL
“Grace: I want to thank you for a workshop so powerful it changed my life and many others. I have been raving about how wonderful the experience was and my family and colleagues are in awe of my passion regarding the experience. I have my new motto on the wall of my cubicle stating “It is not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” I have been relaxed and feel good about who I am. I feel a special bond with the people I met at the workshop. I thank you for being so authentic and supportive. I am re-reading your book and savouring every page.” Pat T Kitchener, ON
“Thank you for changing my life for ever. I am at a loss to explain except that I am listening to your tape now and never will Dear Grace, I will NEVER forget you as long as I live. I truly do love you and feel that an angel sent you to me.” Love Bonnie Sugden, Orillia. ON
“I think God has bestowed such a wonderful gift upon you. The most special part is that you have chosen to share your wonderful self with others with such a sincere heart. God Bless you and keep your beautiful Spirit ALIVE! I pat you on the back. The weekend was “Amazing Grace”.” Carm Hachey, Bathurst, NB
“Grace, you have brought energy in….lots. You have put wings were there were none. God has truly blessed you with a gift and you have shared it with us. Thank you Grace for coming to the Miramichi and leading us 16 women who are now forever kindred sisters; for opening the doors that were previously shut and for blessing my heart with an incredible feeling of freedom.” Irene Gorman, Miramichi, NB
“Dear Grace: Ever since I met you, my heart wants to sing, to cry, to laugh and to love as loudly and as often as it can. I can’t thank you enough for that! I have been just floating around work and home ever since the retreat. I feel as though I have lost over 100 pounds… The coincidences and serendipity that has fallen in my lap since the retreat has been incredible and it has made it remarkably easy for me to be open and authentic everywhere …. even at work. Yes that means that I am ‘out’ everywhere and feeling pretty damn good about it….How do I say thank you for not only showing me the path to uniting my spirits, but for being the bridge between them and for giving me the courage to take that step? Grace, I know why a bird came to me in my vision. It was because for that weekend, you were my angel sent by God. May God continue to work through you and may your passion be a beacon of light for all to see.” Cathryn Young, New Waterford, NS
“I can’t put into words how thankful I am to have met you and to have had you come into my life. You are truly a special person, an angel that God has sent to us. The love and feelings that I continue to feel since the weekend are incredible….I feel hope, the lights are turned on and now I need to continue to grow and keep that light shining, brighter and brighter. I have been listening to your CD’s and I get chills because you make so much sense.” Jane Richard, Quispamsis, NB
“I feel I’ve been reborn from this experience. Spiritually, I feel like I’ve found myself again…Most importantly, I’ve learned that it’s not what form of religion that one belongs to, it’s the relationship that counts! It was eye-opening how closed minded I’ve become. No wonder I was feeling passionless and void. I feel alive again and people have noticed. Even at church, members there are commenting about how I seem to be so full of joy lately. ..The first night I arrived home, I received a “sticky-note” on my door from my landlady saying that a member of Toastmaster’s called. Well, I called this lady back and I talked for an hour and a half to her about the retreat! I hardly knew the lady! Things like that have been happening all the time. Honestly, I’m a new person!” Kate Doucet, Riverview, NB
“You are gifted Special Lady…and I feel privileged to have met you and witnessed your Love for others!!!!” Trudy Lake, New Waterford, NS
“Grace, you are a beacon of Light for women. You have the largest “reservoir” of LOVE, COMPASSION AND WISDOM than anyone I know. You are a present from God to me and all humankind. Thank you for setting me free.” Judy, Toronto, ON
“What can I possibly say! You are the most genuine, sincere teacher I’ve ever had and I’ve had a lot. I feel light, I feel loved, I feel confident in my ability to go on to the next step. I feel reconnected to my Spirit and to all that I know. I’m ready “to do”. So my comment is “thank you”. I’m grateful for you, your power and your devotion to helping women.” Paula Dunton, Niagara, ON
“I feel strong, empowered to attack life and not be on the receiving end of what it brings me. I want to attack it and live it. I feel hopeful, encouraged, excited as well as peaceful, relieved and serene. I am wearing a new pair of lenses to look at the future direction of my life.” J.B. London, ON
“I feel re-energized! Almost whole. Very happy. You are the beacon of Light that is helping me find my path through the darkness. THANK YOU! Continue to do this work. You have a special gift.” Yolanda, Niagara, ON
“I feel amazing…completely empowered. I have the tools for my life’s journey. I feel powerful and am no longer afraid. Thank you Grace…for me you have been a gift from God and my angels. You have left footprints on my heart.” Karen Wylie, Calgary, AB
“I can’t believe what three days can do! I’m on fire. It was perfect. I loved the environment, your energy, love and support. I am glad you came into my life.” D. M. Ottawa, ON
“Grace, I am inspired. I feel I have found the person to take me through the darkness. If you could teach the world to get excited and “wag their tale”, you could shine a light for everyone like you did for me. You put your heart into your work. Thank you.” Susan S., Guelph, ON
“The TTS weekend was one of the best experiences of my life and the timing was simply perfect. Thank you so much for your incredible skill and guidance on the weekend. You are amazing. I have your picture at home so I can see your beauty and light and inspiration. Grace, I wanted to let you know that the shift I experienced during our retreat weekend feels cellular – like my body has a new program running. It is quite remarkable.” Kathryn Sullivan, Ottawa, ON
“I feel so grateful that I found out about your retreat and that I took the plunge. I haven’t felt so loved as I did this past weekend… Your compassion, love and total giving of yourself to all of us was a wonderful feeling and a great example of how to live life to its fullest. You opened something in me…My heart feels the healing – I didn’t know how closed and protected I held my heart – my coping skills even fooled me. I highly recommend this retreat to all women who are stuck and don’t understand what is holding them back from living a life of fulfillment, love, compassion, forgiveness and understanding. This retreat has been a transformational and life changing event….thank you so much Grace!” Judy Southon, Toronto, ON
“I can’t express how wonderful this weekend was for me and how I left with so much more clarity. I truly left knowing that I am allowed to honour my spirit even if I don’t know exactly how I am going to get there… I know that in moving forward my guides will work with me, and to trust the Divine more. I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful insight, sharing and great hugs! You are so inspiring…a gift to the rest of us.” Kelly Jack, Toronto, ON
“I no longer take Zoloft which I took off and on for 9 YEARS(!!!) and that has made me full of energy and enthusiastic about what lies ahead for me and my future!!! Thank you Grace for being YOU! I feel your presence daily. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to heal with you.” J. P. Toronto, ON
“Grace, your weekend has been such a powerful and enlightening experience for me. I feel like I have learned so much about myself and I can’t wait to see what else grows and develops for me from here. I feel more confident and self-assured. I feel like I am bursting with love for myself and the world. I make taking care of myself a priority now, and I encourage others to do the same for themselves. I know now that I can work with dying children because I believe that they will be happy and well cared for by the angels when they leave here.” Cathy Waite, Toronto, ON
“Grace, your expression of love is a gift! A precious moment for me was watching how you love your goddesses; seeing strong courageous women melt at your touch, hungry for your soothing words and comfort. I really appreciated you being yourself over the weekend and speaking all the words that came….” Kimberly Alexander, Toronto, ON
“I AM A WOMAN REBORN!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for last weekend. It was a life-changing weekend, the best weekend in my life, and the best birthday I can imagine in the universe. Everyone in my life has noticed that I am radiating from the inside out. My cup is so full that it is starting to run over and flood my house! I have so much love to give and feel so empowered to be the authentic me. Goddess Lara! “I am perfect just the way I am, and I have NOTHING to prove to ANYBODY!” Lara W. Ottawa ON
“Grace, I would like to give you a huge hug for not only what you have done for me but for every women on this planet! Your work is huge! …When I came home and looked into the eyes of my daughter who mirrors me in many ways…I thought I have to do something to change her limitations. Even though I thought I was a liberal Mom that taught her to love herself first I have still some how missed something! Then I thought what if we were to empower young girls or young men for that matter! What if Mothers and Daughters…or just young teenage daughters…were to do an intensive self discovery journey starting at a young age? They don’t have to be teenagers either they could be younger. If someone was to tell me when I was younger that I really was perfect just the way I was, would that not have planted a seed? Anyway these are all just thoughts but I wanted to share them with you. They might be thoughts that lead to bigger ideas too, who knows? So to finish my rambling please know how grateful I am that you have watered a seed that I planted for myself years back…Your book was a huge remembering for me and for that I Thank You! With Love and Light…Journey On!” Tracey Maloney, Brockville, ON
“The weekend for me was a great healing experience. It was helpful to process some of the angst and anxiety that I have been carrying around. I’m less afraid to cry and feel sad although I am still working on this. Thank you Grace for being such a wonderful and healing person.” Ellen Davis, Huntington, MA
“Grace, you are one of the most passionate, vibrant, compassionate women I have ever met and that alone was worth the weekend! The work you do is so profound. I really am in awe of the fact that clearly God directs people to do what they should be doing and that listening to this can result in something as powerful as the seminar you presented this weekend.” Jenny Bilenduke, Bowmanville, ON
“Grace – of course you made the weekend! As you mentioned – you are a spiritual midwife and I do feel that I have a new life inside of me. I want to thank you so much for the extra time you spent with me on Sunday morning – putting part of your workshop on hold while you dealt with my issue. When I saw you in Burlington, I got the strong sense that you were so caring and so different from some other “self-help” people I have heard speak. You really cared about the audience and their issues. Personally, that feeling is why I registered with you for this weekend retreat. I came out of that 2 hour presentation, went home and told my husband that I had to go to the weekend. And on the weekend – you just supported and reinforced my view of your special goodness! Thank you. I will see you at the Goddess Club.” Angela Jacobs, Burlington, ON
“To thank you seems inadequate for what you have done for my being. While the rest is up to me, I am comforted to know you have provided me with the tools. With deepest admiration. Love and Light,” Valerie Bond, Calgary, AB
“Grace it is your personal power which is the real drawing card. You have a gift and I feel privileged to have been part of the group.I have attended numerous workshops and weekend retreats. This one was at the top of the list!!! It was well worth the time and I would recommend it to anyone!” Joan Dirstein, Toronto, ON
“I’ve done other workshops and read other self-help books, but the difference, Grace, is you, really. You are strong enough to take all our pain and you have enough love to make us believe there is joy beyond the pain…you are for real…. you practise what you preach and you walk your talk…You gave me the gift of a lifetime in your workshop….I think, in retrospect, based on what I have learned of God in AA and in the fellowship of the loving and beautiful drunks in AA, that what you are doing…is giving me a picture of what I needed God to be…… I quit my job last year, am writing tons everyday and working out and I feel full of love and joy. I want to mirror back to you Grace that you are God’s love on earth, working to heal, working to love. An infinite thank you.” D.M.N. Toronto
“The whole weekend was simply amazing. I feel changed. My life will have more meaning and I know that I will have the courage now to start my business and continue the healing journey. Thank you.” Ann Marie Gow, Toronto, ON
“After attending your weekend, I found out who I am as a person. I reached deep down into my heart and renewed my inner strength. I released the demons I’ve been carrying for 45 years. Every time I attend one of your workshops or presentations, I am empowered. I highly recommend the TTS workshop. Thank you Grace, you are my Angel.” Lorraine Leslie, Collingwood, ON
“Grace, your clarification regarding the independent meaning of spirituality as an entity separate from religious institutions allowed me to embrace a side of myself that I had previously denied…I was looking for permission to read the “signs”, ce my spirit and open my heart.. You provided me with all of these things and in a manner that was completely unobtrusive and accepting. You read between the lines to a degree that is purely selfless and entirely absent of judgment. You have provided me with a gateway to an area of my world that I had left behind and I am thoroughly excited to re-enter… at my own pace and in my own way.” S. M. Halton Hills, ON
“This weekend retreat has changed my life. It not only gave me the confidence to look inside of me to find my direction and answers, but it gave me the tools to go about doing this. The Goddess Club will also provide great support to make sure I don’t fall into old habits as time goes on.” G.M. Toronto, ON
“Grace, you are wonderful. I love you. Thank you. Never stop doing this work! It is so important. I will leave today with a happier heart. I am determined to make positive changes in my life!” C.H. London, ON
“This workshop will make a huge difference in my personal life–my soul is filled with Light and Peace– You are a special person Grace. I am blessed having met you.” Elizabeth Gunn, Toronto, ON
“Thank you Grace for seeing my hurt, for calming my fears, for enabling me to get through my pain, fear and anger that has been an anchor in my life for too long. I feel Light. I am perfect just the way I am. Actually, I’m beautiful. This weekend really changed my life. You have been such a beacon for me…This weekend just made you “neon” bright in my eyes.”R.F. St. Catharines, ON
“I arrived with the weight of the world on my shoulders and I am leaving with an open Spirit and a song in my heart. The TTS Intensive was a life-changing workshop.” MaryAnn Vernooy, Burlington, ON
“I have let go of so much of the anger that was spilling into my family life. It has also confirmed for me that what I do professionally is robbing me of energy. Thank you for doing these workshops and having the ongoing monthly support. I’ll be at the next Goddess Club!” Jarmilla deHaan, Toronto, ON
“I feel I am more worthy than when I arrived. I know where to go and what I have to do to continue my journey. I have the confidence and the tools. Thank you so much Grace.” Marja Montgomery, Innisfill, ON
“After your workshop I felt a sense of calm knowing that I was responsible for my actions in the past and that I now had control of them for my future. After a month of being back in the ‘life’ again; I have been able to communicate my feelings – not in an accusing way or judging way, but I no longer hold my feelings in. Holding my feelings in had caused me much stress and anger. There are many other ‘improvements’ in my life too numerous to mention…….Thank you Grace for your wonderful inspiration and friendship. “ Janice H. Kitchener, ON
“The meals were delicious, the space tranquil. The TTS Weekend was a vital step for me to “go to my next step”. I now have the spiritual tools to apply and the ability to turn my visions into reality. Thank you Grace. You are beautiful.” Suzanne Darwin, Gilford, ON
“People say we “admire” the persons that have the traits we have…I see you as my soul mate. You are a FANTASTIC, enlightening healer. You have so much joy in your eyes!!! I loved everything, every moment of this retreat. God Bless you Grace. Thank you so much. I will tell the world about you and what you do!” Janice Butler, Bear Island, NB
“My life has been so enriched. You are an amazing person like no other I have met. You truly are an angel from God. My life has changed for the better. Forever.” Lorna Langford, Oshawa, ON
“I came in heavy in heart and empty in Spirit. I leave light of heart and filled with Spirit. This was meant for me at this time. I thank God, he brought my attention to the article in The Star about your retreat Grace.” Rosemary Schon, Pickering, ON
“All of Sunday really spoke to me. The visualization exercise was very powerful. The shadow traits were great-very mind-opening. Talking about disconnecting from the spirit-your ideas made al lot of sense. I enjoyed the NLP exercises as well as Jill’s brain gym. Great energy and presentation skills—serious yet humorous. Very knowledgeable and compassionate. You seem to be fulfilling your destiny-you are truly happy with your work.” Andra Wochesen, Toronto, ON
“The TTS Workshop will have a major impact on my life both professionally and personally. I feel so peaceful and energized. I am going home with tools for my life. I’m going to use them. My angels put you on my path Grace to enlighten me. You’re a gift and I’m so grateful for it. I’m going to use my gift and share it with others. May God continue to bless you and inspire you. The world is a better place because of you. I’m sending you Love with a big hug.”Anne Butler, Fredericton, NB
“This weekend truly changed my life! Grace, you are wonderful! When I hug you, it’s like I can hear and feel your heart’s laughter! At first my heart was so afraid of opening up but then it’s like when we hugged, your heart told mine it was okay to be scared. Guess what? All of a sudden I wasn’t anymore….I will no longer be afraid to follow my dreams and to ask for assistance in making them happen.” Jill Andrew, Toronto, ON
“I have my spirit back and now, I can continue my journey with clarity, confidence and commitment. Healing the past can now give me space for love, compassion and myself-Authentic Self! You are amazing and fabulous and I thank God for you.” Stephanie Chahley, Pickering, ON
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