Couples Retreat Testimonials
Whether you are in crisis or simply needing a relationship re-set, you will love everything about The Grace Fix Marriage Intensive. Others have! Read what they’ve had to say below.
“You’re reading these testimonials and probably wondering if these are “real people” writing this stuff. You maybe desperate, lonely, exhausted or fed up. Like me, you might be grasping at straws trying to find some way to save your marriage before you or your husband calls it quits and walks out the door. STOP SEARCHING. Grace Cirocco’s Couples Retreat WILL change your life. Grace saved us and has spared our children from what would have been an inevitable divorce. You might be thinking: We’ve gone to counseling, it helped a bit, but we’re back where we started. What can Grace do that that other guy couldn’t do? Grace’s approach is like NOTHING you have ever experienced. She will release decades of life long pain and anger and allow you both to get to the root of the problem. She brought back the husband I thought I lost and gave me a man I am so in love with, it hurts to be apart. The connection we now feel is impossible to describe with words – it has been a life changing weekend for us and we both wake up every morning thanking God for giving Grace this amazing gift.” Anna & Sean, Markham, ON
Dear Grace: Your Couples Retreat met my expectations 1000%!!! I refer to you as my “God sent Angel”. I was 95% gone. The outside pastures were looking mighty green. What a terrible mistake that would have been…..After your Couples Retreat, I’m a changed guy. She’s a changed woman. It’s like we have a new marriage. We’ve had a few disagreements (very few) since, but handled each one of them like never before, i.e. with a new found respect for one another like we had in the beginning. No blaming and name calling, ” you did this”, etc., Also our kids have noticed the difference because they are constantly telling us to ” get a room” and ” can you guys stop hugging, I’m going to be sick”. No amount of money is worth what you do Grace. You’re great! Thanks again. Ken Ullman, Aurora, ON
Dear Grace: “You helped me open up and share my feelings with Kristy which I haven’t truly done in 15 years of marriage! When I got home, my 11 year old son asked whether I had cut my hair or bought new clothes because to him ” I looked different”. Then my 9 year old daughter noticed how affectionate we are now and asked what had gotten into us. When I got to work on Monday morning, a fellow co-worker said that I was walking taller, with my shoulders back as if I was like the king of my domain. This made me feel great. It’s remarkable that so much change can happen in one weekend. I attribute that change to my own personal hard work but without you Grace & the magnificence in you, this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you!” Joe and Kristy, Aurora, ON
Relationship Retreat Testimonials
Success Stories
North Bay, ON
We loved Grace’s down to earth approach. We felt that she truly cared about each and every one of us in that room. It touched my heart that she would become teary eyed when speaking about certain things that had happened in the lives of people she has encountered. Grace is an angel that has been sent to help people heal their hearts and souls. We are so happy that we decided to spend a weekend with her! For me personally, I feel an uplifting happiness in my heart like we are starting a new beginning.
Uxbridge, ON
Grace’s Couple Retreat was way above anything we had expected! We are on a completely different level with each other…. I am amazed at how much I learned about men and women and how we interact. The puzzle pieces all fit together now. Grace you are one amazing woman! I think this retreat is a must for all couples regardless of what stage their relationship is in. It is by far the best thing we have ever done!
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Grace, a few months ago we both had lawyers involved and we were technically separated and headed for divorce. This retreat saved my marriage and saved my family from being torn apart. For that I will be forever grateful. Grace you are dynamic, warm, funny, knowledgeable and you create a very safe space to allow healing and transformation to take place. Boy are you ever good at what you do! I can’t believe my husband was able to show me his deep vulnerabilities, something I didn’t think was possible. I see him in a whole new light. Grace, I love how you guided us through the process of allowing ourselves to identify, feel, and express the emotions that have been repressed for so long due to fear, lack of skills and lack of knowledge. Grace, your program is a MUST for all couples. The ripple effect it has on our society is truly amazing. Angie & Graham, Waterloo
I was skeptical of what this retreat was going to entail. Everything you talked about was so insightful. I wish I had know these things 20 years ago, perhaps Harry and I would be in a better place, but there are always second chances and because of you, I feel like we have a second chance. I cannot thank you enough for everything you taught us. So, so enlightening. It was unbelievable! Life changing for me! Thank you Grace for being the person you are and doing what you do. You truly are a gift. Julie & Harry, Waterloo
Dear Grace: I have never walked away from a workshop/training/ therapy that has left me with so much valuable information and deep reflection. I can see why people call you an angel! Your passion was very evident all weekend long. You maintained our attention and focus every single minute. I am so grateful for finding you on the internet and for attending your Couples retreat. It helped us immensely! I wish we had learned what we know now years ago – it would have saved so many arguments and hurt! Btw, I am on page 101 of your book and can’t put it down. Once again, thank you for a life-changing experience. Lina & Chris, Oshawa
“I was anxious and stressed leading up to the retreat. I had my doubts how ONE weekend could possibly cover a years worth of counselling and be able to off load most of the resentment/anger/sadness?? Your intensive weekend was the best! Being pushed to deal with everything versus an hour once a month really worked for us. We are practicing your “tools” and so far so good. Thank you for all your help. Ruth & Thomas, Charlottetown
Dear Grace: This pandemic sucks. It’s taxing us both. But, we agreed that we would not have made it through without your couples retreat and the goddess and warrior retreats. The combination brought us closer as a couple. In this challenging time, we want you to know you changed the course of our lives for the better… much better. We thank you for what you did for us. The investment we made to work on ourselves under your guidance has paid off immeasurably. You are the best gift that we ever gave ourselves. Samantha & Michael, Toronto

After your Couples Retreat, we understand each other better than ever…. I find that as a couple we have become more honest and open and things are just easy between us. I am much more open and expressive about my thoughts and feelings and explaining to my husband how his words and actions effect me, he is more receptive and open in expressing himself, we are more accepting of our uniqueness and what we both bring to our partnership, and most importantly we both “own our own shit”. Thank you Grace for all that you have done for us and for all the good you do in the world. Linda Beyer, Niagara Falls
“I think something magical happened inside of me after Grace’s Couples Retreat. All that conflict and negativity between my husband and me healed. And now we’re expecting a baby!!! It’s a miracle! If it’s a girl, we are naming her “Grace”. When we left your retreat, I felt different. I’m certain the changes in my thinking brain affected me at a cellular level. We both felt like we had been put through an emotional washing machine. I never thought it was possible to change this much so I’m astonished at the power that you have, Grace! Susan T. Mississauga
Grace’s Couples Retreat exceeded my expectations. It allowed my husband and I the safe space and tools to be completely honest with each other, resolve past hurts, and let go of resentments against each other. It also helped us understand “why” we each communicate as we do; making it easier to accept one another and support each other in a whole new way. I feel TRULY supported, accepted, respected and loved by my husband for the first time in 25 years. I went from avoiding time with him to missing him and looking for opportunities to spend time with him. That’s big! I feel like I have a new best-friend. Thank you Grace. Joanne R. Moncton, N.B.
Our expectations were exceeded immediately during the initial introduction phase of the retreat; we were instantly at ease with Grace’s holistic approach. Throughout the entire weekend, in a compassionate and non-judgmental environment, she delivered each session directly from her own heart and found her way into the heart of each participant’s. We were provided the opportunity to implement some tools throughout numerous practical exercises, each exercise addressing the core of our relationship issues. Grace’s relationship insight and no-nonsense delivery helped us realize that “we” can be fixed and that we are worth saving. Our hearts are full.” Allan & Roxy, Brockville
Grace, your workshop is much much more than a retreat – it is a MARRIAGE RENEWAL BOOT CAMP! With the highly effective framework that you provided, we were able to finally work through the sores and awkward dances within a safe and respectful environment. This shifted the negative patterns that had built up over time. We have reconnected on a new and much deeper level. We came home with some amazing new tools to ensure that we continue to grow together in our marriage. I never expected we would achieve so much growth together in just 2.5 days. I can’t thank you enough. Suzanne & John, Chelsea, Quebec
My biggest revelation coming out of your Relationship Retreat is that I can accept and acknowledge how my partner feels despite how it may make me feel. Rather than keep trying to convince each other of who’s right or wrong, just to own our feelings and move on. Grace, thank you for teaching us the skills we need to communicate and understand each other better. We love you! Jenny & Ken, Edmonton
Grace, you blow me away every time! I went to your couples retreat so that one day my children wouldn’t say, “mommy didn’t try very hard to make things work with daddy.” I was going but in my mind I was already out of our marriage. I suppose I had no faith in myself, and definitely none in Brad. The crazy thing is that I should have had faith in you! Your marriage retreat was beyond anything I could have ever expected! …yet at the same time I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you after experiencing your Women’s Retreat many years ago. You’re a God send! Thank you Grace for saving our marriage. Michelle & Brad, Toronto
Dear Grace: There really are no words to properly express my gratitude but I will try. What you did for everyone at your Couples Retreat this past weekend was beyond anything I have ever witnessed. Your gift and your heart are without equal. Personally speaking, you have elevated my consciousness and pure love for my wife to places I thought unimaginable. I cannot thank you enough Grace. You are truly an earth angel. I wish you nothing but peace, love and true blessings. Allen F. Winnipeg, MB
Dear Grace, We cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciated your Couples Retreat Workshop. Declaring that it met our expectations would be a colossal understatement because it went far above and beyond everything we had imagined. You have the gift of “GRACE” and the ability to offer candid, direct and respectful coaching, while keeping your audience truly engaged. We cannot remember ever working so hard at understanding ourselves, and much less at truly trying to understand each another. You not only taught us invaluable life-skills, but also gave us resources for us to continue to direct our future learning. The materials, venue, accommodations, meals, and refreshments, were all plentiful and of excellent quality. We are grateful for your skill and for the program you developed. Attending, and truly applying ourselves during the sessions was the best investment we could have ever made in our relationship. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Ryan and Leda, Calgary, AB
Grace, my husband and I were in a very dark place when we arrived. Your Couples Retreat exceeded our expectations! Never in my life have I been on an emotional journey of that magnitude in that short of a time! The way you brought it all together was genius. We left with new understanding of each other, tools and motivation to take on a new chapter in our relationship. Also, I underestimated the value of exposure to other couples. Somehow, we shared just the right amount for this to not feel like a therapy group… but enough for me to be humbled and truly inspired by others fighting for their relationship. Grace, you did a great job of taking care of everyone’s individual needs without excluding anyone. You are amazing. Samantha C. Mississauga, ON
Grace, after reading so many positive testimonials on your website, I really hoped we too, would experience some sort of breakthrough. But I have to say that our experience far surpassed anything I could ever have imagined!! For me, the first night, just the language you used so clearly spoke to me that you understood our relationship dynamics. Then, during the exercises, the way you were able to connect with so many couples, each of us at different stages and dealing with different issues, and make such a profound difference is so incredible. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about being in a group, but it was inspiring to see the changes that occurred over the course of the weekend. I am so grateful for the insights you helped us reach about ourselves and each other, and the new deeper bond I feel with my husband. This weekend was nothing short of life changing. I have already recommended you to many people. Catherine and Darryl, Ottawa
This was an amazing weekend! We were able to unpack 24 years of hurt and misinterpretation in a thoughtful manner, and immediately following we were able to repair. It is a gift to recognize that wonderful person I married once again! It is so liberating to become unstuck, to recognize and be recognized for the value each brings to the family they have created. It was so amazing to get to the heart of the matters so quickly and then begin the healing process just as quickly!! Coming home, I will admit that I felt a little trepidation as to whether this new refreshed marriage and love would continue! It is with great relief and joy that I can report that we are much happier than we have been in a very long time! We are continuing with the growth that Grace has so wonderfully instigated…..I will always be grateful for Graces’ kindness, generosity, and pureness. Melinda & Terrence, Toronto, ON
I came to your Couples Retreat for closure. I had hoped that my wife would gain enough strength to be able to move on and be OK on her own. By the end of Friday night I wanted to leave and be done with it all. Saturday forced the both of us to dig deeper than we had ever believed we could go. Our emotions were very high and many truths came out. By Sunday evening we were once gain a very tight couple. We now find ourselves being more caring and truthful than ever before. Thanks Grace for the new lease on life. Your Retreat exceeded all expectations. Marc G., Kingston, ON
Grace, your Couples Retreat was above and beyond any expectations I had prior to going. Your knowledge and talent in helping people figure things out is exceptional. You are a special soul. There wasn’t a moment the whole weekend that I wasn’t completely engaged in what you were saying, teaching or showing us. Your wisdom on handling our own emotions as well as how we respond to our loved ones is life changing. It was the best gift our relationship has ever received. It was the best thing I have ever done for myself as well. Keep being you Grace. Don’t change a thing! Keep creating miracles. Laurie Ullman, Aurora, ON
Hi Grace, We were cautiously optimistic going into your retreat despite the awesome testimonials on your website. Our relationship was dormant for close to 10 years and we didn’t have much hope. Well, we are both amazed at how well everything turned out for us. Your retreat exceeded our expectations. Grace, you truly care about the couples. You knew when to step in and help us at exactly the right time. Your sense of humour and down to earth language was refreshing… The safe atmosphere you create and the communication exercises were perfect for getting our emotions out. Your last closing exercise was an incredibly moving experience—something we’ll treasure. We loved the venue, the food, how well you took care of us. We also appreciated how well prepared you were before meeting us. Thanks for everything. Shirley & Jim, Mississauga, ON
Grace, your Relationship Renewal Retreat exceeded our expectations. You definitely have the ability to forego the pregnancy and deliver the baby!! You have this way of getting to the core of the matter, laying it out on the table for discussion, deal with it and then let it go with the perspective and involvement of both parties. You got us back to the couple we used to be. I heard someone once say there are three phases you go through in your life. 1st is taking things for granted. 2nd is being thankful and 3rd If you’re smart enough and if you live long enough it’s being GRATEFUL for your life. That said, we are GRATEFUL for having you, Grace, be part of our lives and GRATEFUL for having gone through your life changing program. With Gratitude, Harry & Joanne, Toronto
“The outcome from the retreat was better than we both expected. Grace, you created a safe place in order for us to share our positive and negative feelings in a more authentic and compassionate way. What is fascinating, is that we are still processing our new understanding of one another and adjusting our communication in a positive way. We are grateful that if we do need support we have found a process that works for us. Thank you!” Karen King and Jamie Macfarlane, St. Catharines
“Grace’s Couple’s Retreat exceeded our expectations. This is the 4th time we have been through counseling, and the first time I feel confident that we will take home and use the tools we learned from Grace. As an energy medicine practitioner, I know that we store our “issues in our tissues,” and that we need more than just talk therapy to release the hurts of the past. Grace’s retreat was the perfect combination for us. It was more than talk therapy, and it allowed us to clear a lot of stuff in one weekend, as we don’t really have time for a weekly session. Thank you” Kim & Gary, Philadelphia
“Grace, your Couples Retreat exceeded my expectations. Only 1.5 months ago we both had lawyers involved and we were technically separated and headed straight for divorce. This retreat saved my marriage and saved my family from being torn apart. For that I will be forever grateful. Here’s why it worked for us: 1) I was hoping to be provided with a safe environment to allow my husband and I to get all of our issues out on the table in a guided manner, which we did. We went deep! Your exercises allowed us to work through everything systematically, which created repair, healing and growth!; 2) Grace was dynamic, warm, funny, knowledgeable and she created a very safe space to allow the healing and transformations to take place. Boy is she ever good at what she does 3)Grace was able to get my husband to show his deep vulnerabilities to me, which I wasn’t sure was possible; 4) the location was perfect; and 5) I never thought I could FEEL this in love again! I see my husband in a whole new light and I am so proud to be his wife. Grace, I love how you guided us through the process of allowing ourselves to identify, feel, and express the emotions that have been repressed for so long due to fear, lack of skills and lack of knowledge. While we had been attending marriage counseling for the last 8 months, this retreat allowed us to go much deeper. To get the ‘mud and crap out of our pond and to let those toxic feelings go! Grace, your program is a MUST for all couples. The ripple effect it has on our society is amazing.” Angie & Graham, Waterloo
“Hi Grace, Just wanted to touch base and tell you how we are feeling after your Couples Retreat. It was truly as the testimonials on your site said—LIFE CHANGING. I have never been able to express so many hurts and emotions to my spouse as I did this past weekend. It caused me to come out of my comfort zone. I was shy about a workshop with other couples. But in the end Bob and I agreed it was really a good thing to see other couples in the same place as you and that we were not alone. Thank you, thank you. I feel like a boulder has been lifted from my shoulders. Grace you are amazing. Your communication skills are exceptional. Your program has done amazing things, that 20 years of counselling has never been able to accomplish. We are so happy we took this giant step and invested in us.” Tricia & Bob, Hamilton
Your Couples Retreat was the best thing we could have done for each other. We realized in our relationship that the business of raising 5 kids who had experienced a lot in their short lives, and raising a son with Down Syndrome had really pushed our needs as a couple to the back burner….we know that after your course we have a stronger marriage. One that will sustain us for the next phase of our lives as we embrace the empty nest syndrome. We are feeling very grateful for this. Grace, you have developed an amazing program and you make the learning experience special. Thank you. Eric and Sue, Buffalo, NY
“Grace, your Couples Retreat was so much more than we anticipated! Three days with you has been worth more than we could have gotten from a year’s worth of weekly counselling! We never could have imagined that we would have had so many emotions and realized so much about ourselves at your retreat. We both feel a sense of ease now with each other. We now have the tools to help us move forward and work together as a team. found the group setting more comfortable than anticipated, in fact, it re-assured us that we weren’t alone in our struggles. Knowing that you were there to guide us along and “put out the fire” if needed during the communication exercises was comforting. We really love the heart-to-heart hug and we have been doing this everyday. It has made a big difference. Grace, we have never had the pleasure of meeting someone as inspiring and genuine as you! You are an angel!” Cindy & Ernie Ratcliffe, Toronto
“Grace, thank you for the wonderful work that you do. Not only did you help us to rekindle the flame in our marriage, but I was able to learn how to express my feelings with my partner more openly. I now have a different perspective on how to look at him and at life.. one thing that really stuck with me was the idea that as parents we want to give our kids everything when they are young often neglecting our relationship and taking it for granted. The kids grow up and leave but you and your partner will only have each other. Your Couples Retreat was very intense and uplifting. We are very thankful to you for helping us work through our issues and understand each other’s needs and feelings..” Sandra and Tom, Newmarket
Thank you very much for getting us back on track. The uncertainty has lifted–we are going to make it. We are so impressed with your ability to get through to us and we are very grateful for everything you did for us at the retreat. Your Couples workshop was such an eye opening experience. After we left you, we went for dinner and chatted non-stop. My quiet husband couldn’t stop talking. On the drive home we listened to music, sang and chatted some more. Today we had a family dinner. We started with a round of gratitude. Then we implemented your “peel the onion” exercise with our children. It was great and everyone was able to express a grievance or concern and release it. We also talked about the importance of expressing our feelings and not keeping them bottled up, as well as taking time to decompress. The kids really understood and enjoyed it. We had a lot of fun and many laughs after that. Our sincere and deepest gratitude for the wondrous being that you are and for bringing us together and back to life again!” Rosemary & Jim, Mississauga
“Hi Grace: I did not quite know what to expect when we arrived at your Couples Retreat on the Friday, but by Sunday I left both humbled by the experience (in terms of how little I know about myself and others, and assumptions I make) and with a renewed desire to become a better person, on my own, and in my relationship with others. Your insight, the influence of spiritual traditions from different cultures, and most of all, your infectious enthusiasm and energy combined to make the experience an enriching one. I have started reading your book, which has helped to calm the chatter in my head, and each time I am unsure of how to proceed I recall your own experience and remind myself that if this is my path then doors will open, or as you put it, “the bridge will be there”. Thank you. Silvio Cardozo, Toronto
Grace, your Couple’s Retreat blew me away! It was transformational! It opened our hearts. I wanted clarity about my marriage and our direction and we got it! I wanted to learn why we were having the problems we were having and also what we could do differently in our marriage to put it on more solid ground. I felt like I walked away with all of that and so much more! Grace, you are incredibly gifted and truly an angel sent here to help people find their way! I felt like I could listen to you speak for hours. I wanted to take it all in! Now, I am reading your book and loving every page. From the moment I met you, I could feel your warmth and genuine care & understanding for others. I feel blessed to have met you! Michelle & Dan, North Bay
“Your Couples Retreat exceeded my expectations! Part of me thought that I’d come home vindicated that I was right and John was wrong, but what we came home with was so far beyond that, it’s hard to put into words. I feel connected in a way like we never have been. I can’t really even seem to remember how angry I felt about things. I feel much lighter and brighter and feel like my shoulders are 4 inches lower. I think this should be a mandatory course for humanity. There would be no need for wars or fighting after that.” Mary & John, Toronto
“Grace is a miracle worker, an angel and caster of spells. When my husband and I arrived in Ontario, I was convinced our marriage of 44 years was over. When we left Grace’s Couples Retreat we felt like newlyweds. We actually broke down the walls that were keeping us in a vicious cycle of anger and resentment and were able to fall in love and recommit to each other again. All because of this retreat and the amazing things Grace taught us and helped us to see and believe. I have personally met and spoken with Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robins and a host of other people who I admire, but no one comes even close to Grace’s magic. She is tough, honest, soft, kind; her energy is infectious and unwavering. Her wisdom is heaven sent and changes lives. Grace, we feel so truly blessed to have met you!” Joanne & Glen, Saskatoon
“Dear Grace: After having attended your Goddess retreat, I knew your Couples Retreat would be fantastic too. You worked your magic on us in incredible ways. Your guidance has helped us find our way back to one another. Our home is a different place now–a piece of heaven on earth, a safe and peaceful place, instead of one ridden with tension, negativity and angst. We are emotionally connected in a way I never knew could be possible. We communicate daily, with actual words instead of the odd text message. Things are lighter, brighter and happier than ever. We are alive again. I now feel a sense of security knowing we will be able to stand in the fires of life together and conquer what comes our way. Thank you Grace for caring and helping us find our way. ” Jen & Miles Kulik, Fonthill
“I was convinced that Grace’s Couples Retreat was going to be a bunch of fluffy garbage but I was proven wrong. The retreat was able to do something that traditional therapy hasn’t been able to do – allow us to both look deep inside of ourselves and accept who we are and who our partner is too. We were able to openly communicate without fear and most importantly get the necessary healing, clarity and tools to move our relationship forward.” Chantal & Peter, Mississauga
“It blew me away how much progress was made over just one weekend. I went from feeling that the end of our marriage was at the doorstep to having a renewed sense of optimism. Also, I have to say that I was initially apprehensive about attending the Retreat with other couples, but it turned out to be extremely positive because our story was kept private. The whole weekend was planned out so well, with each step being a critical piece towards the end goal. I was amazed at how the feelings associated with the heart-to-heart hug evolved over the course of the weekend. Paul and I continue to have heart-to-heart hugs and have done so to “our song” every day. Grace, I can’t thank you enough for helping us get to a better place in our marriage. I’ve committed to myself that I will attend one of your women’s retreats in the next year. I’m hoping that Paul will attend one of your men’s retreats. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Lisa H. Sudbury
“Grace, we left your Couples Retreat with a new found love and respect for each other that we didn’t think existed anymore in our relationship. When we came on Friday I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him or look at him and I was so uncertain and nervous as to how the weekend would end. Now I miss him when I’m not with him and can’t get enough of him! Your retreat has made such a positive impact on our relationship as partners but also as parents. We have adopted the heart hug with our children and every morning leave the house with a family hug and the girls love it and look forward to it. Grace, you’re an amazing woman with a very special gift to help heal individuals in pain. I feel blessed to have met you and to have experienced the miracles of love that you made happen that weekend. You have such compassion and love that it just overflows from you. Remember the sign that I gave you on the last day of our retreat that stated “Where Love Is, Miracles Happen”. I think you should have another sign that reads “Where Grace Is, Love Happens!” Lisa & Cory, Toronto
“Before your retreat, I did not see any way that my husband and I could both be happy in our relationship as we both wanted different things and we had years of anger between us. With your help, our anger has dissipated. We feel we can now move forward in a positive manner and stay together. We were extremely surprised and very happy with the results of your Couples Retreat!! You exceeded our expectations and we would recommended you to any couple who is struggling. Grace – you are amazing!” Beth and Joe, Guelph
“Grace, I can’t thank you enough. I knew the weekend was going to be transformational, I just didn’t know what direction it would go in (i.e. whether we would stay together or break apart.) I feel like both my husband and I lost about 50 lbs of anger!! Joe had a huge transformation at your men’s retreat and there was a small part of me waiting for him to back slide…but I know now after going through your Couples Retreat – how truly transformational your programs are. The men’s retreat started our healing and it was cemented at your Couples Retreat. We are back together now and so happy. I so look forward to your Goddess retreat in a few months so that I can drop some more (emotional) pounds. Thank you!” K & J McCormack, Whitby
“Your Couples Retreat was empowering! It helped me open my eyes to a different way of looking at the negative things that happen in our relationship and turn it to “Magnificent” love. What really worked for me was getting our “shit” out in the open; being able to truly listen to one another and being present. I really enjoyed Grace’s approach; she was gentle, safe, fun and at times she was really serious and did not dance around the issue; she would hit it right in the target. I was so happy that my husband was finally able to release a lot of his shit and trusted me with it. There was a lot of healing that transpired for us and I saw a new light in him and in us. THANK YOU Grace! Your Spirit is beautiful, you are a true inspiration and I love your courageous energy. “Jackie & Fred, Winnipeg
“Hi Grace, Thank you so much for all your guidance and help. Your Couples Retreat helped us tremendously. It was phenomenal. Afterwards, I felt cleansed and renewed. We are keeping the communication open. Our son has already commented that we are hugging a lot and he seems happy. We have invited him into our hug and it’s a new family bear hug. We need to review our homework and start that as well in the coming days. Neither one of us knew what to expect from this retreat, but are very grateful that we attended. You are great Grace—you “get” men and women and all of our baggage.” Geri & Mike, Richmond Hill
“After 22 years of marriage, my husband and I needed to find a way to recapture a connection that we once shared in our relationship. We focus most of our time and energy on our jobs, our two kids, our home and our friends. We’re always tired and I think our marriage feels tired as well. We had lost all connection and we were so distant from one another and life had become a lonely one. We held our breaths and wondered what was in store for us when we finally decided to register for your Couples Retreat. Grace, you are such a gifted person and marriage coach with such a beautiful soul. You uplifted my spirits and helped me find a way towards a sense of peace and healing process. I have learned to love my partner while being true to my Authentic Self. I feel a weight has lifted off of my shoulders and I feel renewed with hope for a happy future. Thank you Grace; your heart and love are phenomenal, incredibly rich and vibrant. Thank you for the work that you do to bring couples together.” Sue & Mark, Welland, ON
“When we arrived, I loved how you Grace made us feel welcome; by greeting each of us with a genuine hug. This enabled me to feel safe to open up with you, my spouse & the rest of the group. I love your teaching style, the pace of the weekend, your personal stories and experiences, and your compassion for truly wanting us to heal and get in touch with our feelings. I was expecting it to be intense (in a good way) & after reading all the couple reviews on your website I was hoping for the same transformation. I received that from you Grace and so much more. You awakened my compassion. You inspired me to want to be a better person in all my relationships, most importantly with my spouse, but also with my children, my parents, my inlaws, my friends and with anyone I come across in life. Kristy D. London
“Grace, your Couples retreat exceeded our expectations. We were not totally sure what to expect, but figured it was a weekend away just for us (finally!) if nothing else! our methodology made us sort through our ‘shit’ systematically and quickly. We were amazed with how far we were able to process through in that short time. We are so grateful for all the healing that transpired and feel we can now move towards that “Stage 7 True Love.” Thank you kindly“ Stacey & Jonas, Kingston
“Grace, I still can’t believe how you transformed our marriage! I was coming for closure. I didn’t think there was any hope left for us. Too many years of fighting and water under the bridge. I felt like I owed it to my kids, to emotionally close the wounds with their father. We had gone to see other counselors and therapists, and they pretty well told us we should separate. I feel like we wasted so much time and money with these other programs. I don’t know what made me google Couples Retreats, maybe my angels? As soon as I found your site, I had a deep feeling that your approach was what we needed. We feel like we’ve been given a new lease on life. I feel hopeful and alive and our kids can’t believe the change in us. We just came back from our first vacation together in ten years (perfect to do right after your couples retreat), and we cemented so much of what we learned about the other. We used your tools and workbook each day, and we are so very happy. I truly hope that my testimonial can help someone else who has given up on their relationship. Your Retreat is what we needed to heal and fall in love again. We are forever grateful.” Tom & Susan, Toronto
“Grace, your amazing couples retreat exceeded our expectations! Before coming, we could not see how you could get to the depth and complexity of each relationship in one weekend. We loved your format of equal amounts of teaching and learning teamed with emotional one-on-one work with our spouse. You have obviously mastered this art of facilitating. We are grateful to have experienced your Relationship Renewal Retreat. Muah from Halifax!” Andrea & Matt, Halifax
“The retreat way exceeded my expectations! Mike and I have spent so much time, energy, and money on counselling, but this super intensive weekend with you was exactly what we needed to peel away all the crappy layers that had built up and see each other in a positive light. The energy from all of the other struggling couples actually contributed to the safe feeling we had in that room. Like Mike said, it was one of the best weekends we’ve ever had, and it was essentially spent inside 4 walls. The ceremony at the end was an insanely profound moment for me. The Stages of love also resonated strongly with me – to know what that yearning is, that Stage 1 feeling, and to know not to expect it in real love was an eye opener. Grace, you are so real – so honest. I love how you just say it like it is. I have absolutely no idea how you remember so much about each of us during the course of the weekend – All I know is that it must take an insane amount of time, love, and dedication. This retreat wouldn’t help us troubled souls without your commitment to us. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!” Julia & Mike, Ottawa
“Hi Grace: Thank you for the inspiring weekend. You truly are a gift to humanity and I appreciate all that you have done for us this past weekend at your Couples Retreat. Last night after your workshop, we put on some nice clothes and went to the Prince of Wales for dinner. It was absolutely wonderful and after dinner, we went to the Falls, just in time to see the fireworks and the Christmas lights. I want to thank you for making us aware that, since the birth of our first son, we have never had even an overnight just for us. Your Couples Retreat was so special and a new beginning for us. I can’t thank you enough for being the “AMAZING” woman that you are!” Karen & Dave, Ottawa
“Grace, I can’t find the words to describe how I feel about your energy, compassion and ability to connect to the heart of what is truly happening in a relationship. I came away wishing I could have spent more time with you. I feel like you stirred something in me that has been dormant for a very long time. I’m not quite sure what to do with it yet but I felt awakened and cleansed after spending the weekend with you. Your Couples Retreat was very powerful for me. Thank you.” Melissa, Oakville
“Grace, you are such a gifted facilitator, coach and healer. I was, and still am, in awe of how you helped the group of us suffering souls through that transformational weekend. You are our relationship angel. The heart hugs you taught us were amazing (we are still doing this to our song regularly!), the deep peeling of the onion–sharing our feelings in such a safe way was very powerful (we are practicing this daily to share our feelings and are so grateful to you!), and writing the vows and sharing them with one another was (and is) very affirming and positive. The ceremony at the end was amazing and I am brought to tears just thinking about it. Your follow up video call with us shortly after the workshop was just what we needed to make sure we stay on track. We are continuing to work hard on all the work you shared with us and it has definitely made a huge difference in our relationship! Thanks Grace!” Steve & Brenda, Winnipeg
“Grace, I loved your Couples Retreat! What an amazing system you have created. We appreciate that you had us do the questionnaire before we came. It was extremely hard to answer the questions, but it made me come clear and clean with myself as to what the issues really were. You having that background was extremely effective when you interacted with us during the retreat. You knew when to push, trigger and navigate us, and this is one reason your program “worked” for us. We feel confident that we can now make our relationship work. We are so grateful to you and we want to say thank you for your genuine desire to help each and every one of us. Thank you for sharing yourself as well as your talents and your system with so many. I am sure that you are aware of the fact that you have saved many a marriage over the years of your hard work.” Elizabeth and Joseph, Saskatoon
“Grace, your Couple’s Retreat was amazing! The way you were able to transform our thinking and then to see the other couples transform throughout the weekend (all at different times or so it seemed) was beyond mind boggling. Grace, we are forever changed because of your magic. What you do is amazing. We have referred many of our friends to you. Everyone should do your Couples Retreat.” Thanks so much! Teresa, Milton, ON
“The retreat exceeded my expectations in so many ways. I was expecting traditional cognitive therapy, similar to the individual counselling I had received before, but in a group. While I was skeptical at first about some of the exercises, I quickly came to realize that emotional healing was what I was after. Your various techniques certainly reached my core. The exercises progressed thoughtfully from one level to the next, deeper and deeper, until my husband and I were able to reveal our inner, vulnerable child and let go of ego. Grace, you are a skillful, compassionate facilitator who supports all participants at whatever stage they may be. Thank you!” Alice & George, Yellowknife, NWT
“Grace, your Couples Retreat was successful for us because of the work you did and the person you are. Only a very skilled practitioner would be able to carry this off with the degree of success that you did. Thank you for the efforts you made and the grace (no pun intended) you brought to the weekend.” John & Mary, Ottawa
“Grace’s Couples Retreat went way beyond my expectations! I still can’t believe how incredible the weekend was for me and my husband. Grace is like an angel! She makes us see how precious life is and how amazing the love for each other is!!! No matter how bad life gets, you need to see the positive and get rid of “all the crude in the pond”!! I adore Grace and can’t thank her enough!!!! She has changed my out look on life and my family!!! My husband and I are better than ever and definitely more in love. I wish I could send everyone I know to go to Grace’s Couples Retreat” Andrea & John, Cambridge, ON
“When I arrived at your Couples Retreat, I had no idea how I was going to be able to let go of the anger and sadness I had in me towards my partner. Thanks you so much for sharing your gift of intuition and introspection with us. I have new insight now which will help me on so many levels of my life. Bryan and I are stronger and more connected than ever. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for us. I think without your retreat, I wouldn’t have had the clarity to make the decision to stay with Bryan. The retreat changed the course of my life and for that I will be forever grateful. Bryan reads your book to me at night as we cuddle together. I love hearing your words come from him, they are powerful and they ring true for us. We are taking steps forward as we build the bridge together.” Maria & Barry, Barrie, ON
“Grace, I was not only impressed with your speaking but with your demeanor, compassion, understanding, and knowledge. I am certain that you save just as many lives as any ER doctor!! I thought my relationship had gone down the toilet, but after your Couples retreat, I am confident that we will last. We are communicating a million times better than we ever have before. If we could just pass a law that at the beginning of any relationship couples must come see you Grace, I’m sure the world would be a much better place! I wish you were in high schools teaching our children communication and relationships skills before they start making all the same mistakes adults make every day. We have both noticed that we interact differently with the people in our lives both at home and at work. Grace, you not only saved my relationship but made me a better person! I can’t thank you enough!!!” Lori C. Kitchener, ON
Dear Grace: On behalf of my wife and I, we would like to express our gratitude for running this course. Rhonda and I have grown closer since attending your retreat and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you have done for us. I’m sure there will be more bumps in the road but thanks to you, I think we will be able to handle anything that comes our way. I truly believe that without your Relationship Renewal Retreat we would have been on the road to separation. Thank you for helping me open the door to the person I always wanted to be and for seeing the person I almost lost. I am truly humbled. Gerald Fraser, Hamilton
Grace, you are a relationship miracle worker! I never imagined that Tony and I could possibly make the progress we made in just one weekend. I was deeply afraid that after 21 years, Tony and I had reached the end of our road together but your compassion, natural talent and the work you do has managed to help us find our way back together! Your couples retreat was everything I hoped it would be and more. On your website I read that your Couples retreat is equivalent to a year’s worth of once/week counseling. I initially thought that just couldn’t be possible but now I believe that is an understatement! How can we ever thank you?! Mary-Lynne & Tony Vrhovnik, Ashton, ON
“Thank you Grace for the most amazing weekend of our lives. I was a doubting Thomas going into your couples weekend retreat, but a true believer now! You are truly gifted and an amazing woman!!! My marriage was in tatters, irreparable in my eyes. After almost 32 years of marriage, I no longer had any strength or fight in me to go on. I had no intention of returning to it ever again. But return I did, after the most emotional and rewarding weekend of my life! We left with key lifetime tools and support to keep our marriage on track.” Vicki, Kincardine, ON
“Everything about your Couples Retreat program worked for us, your content, the flow of exercises, your sincerity. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the hearts of individuals and in turn to the betterment of our society. Your sincere personal touch is refreshing and meaningful.” Raj & Mary, Toronto
“To sum up the weekend “WOW”! I can not believe the change in our relationship since we came home. The transformation is incredible! I can’t believe how different I feel – the clarity and insight that I have gained into our marriage and relationship is remarkable. As you put it, we “flatlined” years ago. Your Couples Retreat brought new life to our marriage. I feel incredible love for Dan after all of these years and despite the challenges we have gone through. Those toxic emotions – the pain that was buried for both of us but neither one acknowledged for the other – are finally gone! I understand now why there were years of insecurity, doubt and traces of mistrust for me – because the pain was still there and the healing hadn’t taken place until your weekend! Grace, my heart is so light and joyful now. I feel very close and intimate with Dan – and we have had more sex in the past week and a half that we have had in a year! I finally have my best friend, lover and soulmate! You really do perform miracles!” Brenda, Kingsville
“Your Couple’s Retreat exceeded my expectations. Everything was well organized, well thought out, and had a purpose. Thank you so much for making a positive difference in my life as you are an inspiration on how to live life. Your positive energy is contagious. Thank you!” Steve Benton, Orlando
“Grace’s abundant knowledge, experience, enthusiasm and positive energy are immeasurable. I was a reluctant participant in this retreat and was amazed at its transformational abilities. One weekend was worth more than years of therapy in terms of removing negative feelings, seeing one another in a more positive light and obtaining clarity and acceptance of our situation. I have already referred every couple I know struggling with any issues or feeling like they have lost the emotional connection. Grace is truly an angel whose gift is to help individual’s find their inner peace and purpose. “ Georgia S. Toronto
“You are a special lady Grace. Your methods and insights make it easy to relate and see the value in the exercises taking me outside of my head. My expectations were surpassed in that your “process” gave me clarity as to why my marriage wasn’t working. Your unique process, albeit uncomfortable at first, allowed me to see that my behaviors were unattractive to Louise which is why she was so uncertain about our relationship. Things are better now. I am conscious of sharing my feelings and not letting stuff pile up. Thanks so much ” Frank Steel, Toronto
“I found your Couples Retreat a life changing experience. Grace you are so intuitive, you know exactly what people need to hear at the right time. I know at times some of our issues seemed petty but you were able to put these into perspective and get us back on track. I just couldn’t say enough good things about this retreat to my friends. I just ran into an old neighbour of mine and she told me that her and her husband had split up and that she had moved out. I was very surprised and my first thought was if only they had attended “Grace’s Relationship Retreat they might have made it”. I think of you as a miracle worker. Grace I feel fortunate to have met you and to know that you can “coach” us as needed in the future.” Julia & Jeremy, Barrie
Your Couple’s retreat was life-changing for us. I feel like I am walking around with little wings on my shoes! I have joked that maybe there was some type of love-drug in the drinks or the air! But, I know that it really was your skill Grace. I also know that it is was our commitment to our relationship. The pre-retreat homework is key, gathering photos, and thinking about a favorite gift; the retreat really started then. The heart to heart hug on the Friday night was unbelievable. It saved us. I loved being there with the other couples, and it really does help to be in a group setting. I would describe the weekend as being the best time we’ve ever had together. I will never forget our retreat, Grace, and we will never forget you. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Jane & Scott, Stoney Creek
I can’t thank you enough for our amazing Couples weekend. I was extremely anxious on Friday night and had no idea what to expect. You quickly put us at ease. The peel the onion exercise worked well for me and I will continue to use this great tool in the future rather than just throw my arms up in surrender and walk away. I loved how you pointed out the differences between men and women in a positive light so that we can be conscious of that and understand where each other are coming from. Writing our letters to each other was the best thing I have ever done for our relationship. I felt safe enough to say the things I needed to say and to listen to the things that Jane had to say. On Sunday night driving home, my heart was lighter. The weight had been lifted from my back. In fact, I told Julie that I felt like I could carry the car home rather than drive it. We will be grateful for your teachings for the rest of our lives. Sam & Julie, Hamilton
Grace you saved us. I had given up on my marriage and was headed for divorce. Your RRR program was the most significant life changing experience that I have ever experienced. The content and your style Grace far surpassed any outcome that I expected. You made a believer of me. We can now set the example for our children. Settling our differences was easy once we both saw each other not as the enemy but as the person we were meant to spend our lives with. All blame, shame and mistrust were left in the blue box on Sunday. Our vows that we wrote meant more than our vows 22 years ago. We urge all couples to experience the magic of your Relationship Renewal Retreat. Ted Wilson, New York, NY
Dear Grace: Since your Couples Retreat, we have honestly had real peace between us. Even recently when a hot topic came up, your methods disarmed the situation in seconds. Life is different for us now. This is due to your work. Your program and your philosophy on relationships was right on the mark for us. You are awesome and a role model. and I fully intend on learning as much as I can from you, God bless you for your investment in our family. Louis and Margie Dupuis, Montreal
“Dear Grace: It’s been three weeks since your Couples Retreat and we continue to do “our homework” and learning more about each other every day. We couldn’t believe how a weekend could transform our relationship, but even though my husband was skeptical, I had trust in you because of the testimonials that I had read. You successfully convinced my husband to do the work, and it was truly a gift to be authentic with him and to hear his feelings. I trusted you could help us have a richer, deeper connection in our marriage of 30 years and you did it. You have such a gift for the work that you do. I could not believe the transformation of all the couples from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, it was almost unbelievable.” Anne & Allister, Buffalo, NY
“We came to your Couples Retreat broken, our marriage beyond repair. How a complete 180 degree transformation happened in just one weekend is a true miracle. I have been an avid seeker, an avid reader and looking for answers for so long and in so many places. Though I had heard about some of the concepts you shared, what is different about your program is that it is systematically experiential. I am still blown away by what we experienced together in one weekend! I am telling everyone that I know who is struggling in their relationship that they need to come to you. I saw miracles not only in our relationship but in the other 10 couples present. You are an angel. You saved our marriage. You gave me back my husband. He is more loving, generous, caring, compassionate and softer than I have EVER seen him before. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.” Kathy M., Kincardine
“Your Couples Retreat exceeded any expectation I had. It made me more aware of myself and my feelings as well as Mariah’s. Grace your are an amazing person who truly cares and I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for me and my relationship with Mariah. You rock!” Bryan Johnstone, Barrie
“Grace – I almost didn’t come to your Couples retreat, because I thought it wouldn’t be good enough. I am so grateful that the stars aligned and we ended up coming. Surprisingly, and thankfully, it far exceeded my expectations! I wish we had been ready for this before kids, or when they were tiny. You are another in a stream of many angels I have been fortunate to have in my life. Thank you, and thank the heavens for you and your retreat. “Alison & Tony, Niagara Region
“I highly recommend your Couples Retreat. Grace, thank you for learning so much about us prior to your Couples Course. You either work a lot or are psychic! I think you are under-charging people. If you review Queen’s University Executive courses for business, or Banff Centre of Excellence, you will see that transformational experiences of this calibre are worth $1000/person per day.” Greg Yuel, Saskatoon
“As good as our marriage was, Grace’s Couple’s Retreat opened our eyes to a part of us that often goes unseen for years if not a lifetime. What we learned about each other moved our relationship to an entirely new level with still more room to grow. We perceive our union in a different light and continue to explore ourselves and our partnership for the benefit of our happiness and our families happiness. As good as things may be, they can always be better….” Ilmar & Tiana Simanovskis, Uxbridge, ON
“Your Couples Retreat was a fantastic experience. We are so happy we came! We learned so much about ourselves and each other. I feel like we are finally on the same page and that we now have a new way of looking at issues which will allow us to avoid the pitfalls of the past. Our marriage is stronger. We have a clarity and a sense of ‘team’ that we’ve never had before. I’ve already recommended the retreat to several of my friends. My best friend and I are also considering attending your women’s retreat next year. We feel that letting go of our past issues would make the best gift for our 40th birthdays. Thanks again!” Teresa & Gary, Windsor
“Your Couples Retreat EXCEEDED my expectations. I had been wanting to come to the retreat for a long time but my husband was skeptical. He felt it was a lot of money and not sure it would be helpful. When he finally said he would go, I was excited but also cynical by this time. I thought it was getting to the point of no return, too late. Even at some points in the retreat I thought “but I have told him this before- what is the point”. But the atmosphere, the support, the guidance, the exercises all led to us actually HEARING things for the first time and actually listening and understanding each other in a deeper more meaningful way. Things have shifted in our marriage. After two months we are still on the right track. Grace, I adore you. My husband adores you. He is even recommending your Couples Retreat to his friends!” J. Wilson, Toronto
“Dear Grace: I am so grateful to you and to myself that I had permission to spend 3 whole days just feeling at your Couples Retreat. I realized that I had bottled up my feelings for so long… My position in life has always been to parent everyone else. Although I always appeared strong as an ox and I thought I was” fine”, you taught me that FINE is not an emotion! And now I know how I REALLY feel. And yes, it’s not always pretty, but it’s real. Turns out, that’s who Rob wanted all along. The REAL ME. Thank you Angel Grace. I loved you the moment we met. Your eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and your embrace warmed me to my core. You cannot clone your workshops because without you and your insatiable spirit, they would be just another workshop.” Amanda S., Toronto
“Our relationship was hanging by a thread but I am happy to say that Vicky and I left your Couples Retreat with tools to repair our marriage and tie it together with braided stainless steel cable. We are stronger and healthier than we ever were. After 30 years of marriage, I had become complacent and took my wife for granted. I did not treat her with the love and respect she deserved. I could go on and on about how much I learned in one short weekend with you. The bottom line is this: Your Relationship Renewal Retreat was the best money I have ever spent because it saved our marriage. Grace, your ability to read and diagnose character traits is simply amazing. I only wish we had done this years ago. Your enthusiasm and passion, love and understanding leaks into every single person who is lucky enough to attend your amazing weekend for couples. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Terry, Kincardine, ON
“Your couples retreat was more than I expected. Lynn and I finally were about to talk about what has been our burning issues for years without the defensiveness and polarity. The camaraderie and fellowship of our classmates was very beneficial to take the “pressure” off of each other. I found the whole weekend very insightful as how we all live with our patterns and paradigms both good and bad. Lynn and I typically remember “us” in the 11th hour when there isn’t anything possibly left to do or anybody else left to visit with. It revealed to us “how we do anything is how we do everything” and we must put our relationship first rather than everything else that is going on. Keep up the good work Grace. Thanks very much for all you’ve done for Lynn and I and all the caring you do for countless others. Your generosity, compassion and acceptance for people is an inspiration.” Roy Gunderson, Alberta
“Dear Grace: Thank you so much for all your help…I can’t begin to explain how much easier it made it for me to heal my relationship, feeling your support and encouragement. We have made giant leaps forward at your Couples Retreat. I feel as though I have found the friend that I had lost so many years ago. I can feel the music in my heart again when I dance with her! WE have had numerous discussions about getting married again and renewing our love and commitment with the vows we wrote at your retreat. We’ll make sure that the date works with your schedule. With all my heart thank you….”Ed P. Brampton, ON
“Your couples retreat was amazing. It actually allowed me to look more at myself to see what I was doing to affect our relationship. We love you! You are so inspirational….a pleasure and joy to listen to. You really hit home on a lot of points and your honesty and vulnerability made it real. The positive energy you bring to the table is amazing and awe inspiring.” Steve & Debbie Heus, Welland, ON
“Grace, thank you for putting your heart and soul into the Couples Retreat. You are incredible. Your energy , love and enthusiasm were contagious. I have already told many people about your Couples Retreat including my family doctor. Grace, you are the “Love Goddess” and I love you for the work that you are doing. So very powerful! You are a gift from God and I am so blessed to have known you.” Kathleen, Oakville
“I couldn’t believe that one person (Grace) could bring out so many emotions and feelings in me that I didn’t even know existed. This is the closest that Brenda and I have felt in all of our 35 years of marriage. All the exercises were incredible. The “hand conversation” was an “out of body” experience for me. I was on that deserted island and found my true love. I was amazed at how I felt after that exercise. Grace, keep doing what you are doing. I believe you are an angel and you were sent to put Brenda and I back on the track of really loving and taking care of each other. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for the both of us.” Dan Kir, Kingsville, ON
“The retreat went far beyond my expectations. I was nervous to walk through the door but I am so glad I did. Grace knows men, women, couples inside and out and exactly how to get you talking to each other. I learned so much about my husband and myself. The first bit was hard but worth it. Sunday was awesome!! The best thing for me was having the opportunity to speak my mind and get all of the emotional baggage taken care of. My favourite exercise was writing the letter. I was also very happy to be done with it . Grace, you are amazing! I have told so many people who I know have marital struggles to come to you. ” Keri & Tom, Windsor
“Grace, you are such a wonderful person. Every time I talk to you I feel I can move mountains. Even though you are so far away, you inspire me to do better in my life and in my marriage. I know I can plow through this struggle with the techniques you have taught me. I thank God for leading me to you. Your Couples Retreat was a magical weekend and I would do it every weekend if I could. May God give you the wisdom and the burning desire to keep doing what you are doing because you have lit a fire in me that will never go out.” John K., Monaco, PA
“I am absolutely amazed how your Relationship course was able to penetrate Tom! He is a changed man. The night we arrived home, he went to all the kids separately and apologized for his behaviour, crying at the same time. The kids were so happy. The energy in our house is healthy again. What’s even more amazing is that my youngest, who will be 3 in July, has been very picky with food and has not eaten well in months. Miraculously, since the day after the course, he has developed an amazing appetite. I told Tom that I believe that Kyle is really in tune to energy and because our family’s energy has been sick for a while, he has been picking up on this sick energy. Tom finally understands and agrees with what I am talking about thanks to you!” Katy and Tom, Aurora, ON
“We were in the CHAOS stage and the weekend transformed us to the SURRENDER stage for new beginnings…the future is bright. I am in absolute “awe” of how 10 couples transformed their complete energy in 2.5 days. You are a master and living your true gift. I look so forward to continue my learning from you on my spiritual balance quest. Heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to get to know us prior to workshop, it was deeply noted and allowed a safe environment to occur. ” Lisa Philp, Burlington, ON
“I am in awe of how you do what you do. I observed you on 2 separate occasions from a 5,000 foot view (meaning I was not thinking about how your information related to me and Lisa) but how you delivered the course. And what I saw was a beautiful person (you Grace) who is definitely doing what she is supposed to be doing on this earth, helping people/couples and making miracles. You are genuine and authentic. You definitely have a gift and please keep sharing it.” Rod Philp, Burlington, ON
Your Couples Retreat exceeded our expectations. The course was right up my alley as your spiritual beliefs and research are exactly what I believe and read about. I didn’t know that when I registered for the course but fell upon your site via Google and I just had a great feeling about you. In short, the course was transformational! I loved all the activities. There was nothing I didn’t feel worked for us. EVERYTHING was effective! My favourite activity was the ceremony at the end. It was so nice to see all the couples so happy. I am hopeful for all of us. I also really felt the hand exercise was very effective. That really hit home for me– the act of saying goodbye was the turnaround point for me during the entire time at the course. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your intuitive gift with us. You are truly a godsend and I wish you an abundance of blessings. Aneela & Eric, Georgetown, ON
Dear Grace, I cannot say enough good things about your Couples Retreat! We went home feeling so good about our marriage and our commitment to each other. What seemed insurmountable before, now seems like normal ‘stuff’ that we just have to deal with. At least now we can deal with it knowing that we both want what is best for our relationship. Dave came with me to the retreat because I asked him to. He was skeptical, shy and annoyed at how much time this was taking up. And this was on Friday night. I would say that by mid Saturday morning he was beginning to have faith in the process. I love your no nonsense way about you. I loved all the wisdom you shared and the exercises during the weekend. I also like how you handled questions, especially if the questioner couldn’t quite get the question out. You gracefully, guided him (or her) back to himself to sort it out and then follow up later. I could feel your devotion to all the couples. Your passion for us was palpable. I felt you knew we would be okay, but we had to see it for ourselves. We both embraced your insight and got soooooo much out of it. We are looking forward to a refresher course next year and perhaps Italy in 2013. Roberta & Dave, Brockville, ON
Hi Grace, I want to thank you for providing such an incredible experience at your Couples Retreat. I am absolutely exhausted still from the experience, but then as I reflect on the weekend, that’s perfectly natural. After all, over the course of the weekend, I experienced open heart surgery, had the cataracts removed from my eyes and thirty years of wax build up flushed from my ears. It’s amazing how much of a transformation is possible in such a short time. Emotional intimacy is what has always been missing from our relationship and, of course, it is the very thing that I have always craved. I believe that our marriage can not only survive, but flourish, with the tools and techniques you equipped us with. Linda G. Toronto
We never imagined we would find that kind of love again or that we would ever find each other again. Your couples retreat was truly a magical experience. It brought feelings and emotions out we had suppressed and denied. Grace, you told one couple that this weekend was about making their hearts so connected that wild horses couldn’t pull them apart. That was a comment I will never forget you saying. It really summed up the weekend I thought. This was a truly life altering experience. Truly the most powerful time we will ever spend together. Thank you. Paul T. & Lori K. Red Deer, AB
Grace, your couples retreat exceeded our expectations! We never dreamed that our love could run so deep. Even though we have been through months of therapy, this one weekend with you Grace made all the difference. With your guidance, we have made great gains in our communication skills and the sharing of our feelings. We are definitely at a higher vibration now! We loved your program, the sharing of feelings, the journaling that followed many of the activities. We found that writing to each other was such an effective tool to express our feelings and thoughts. The Heart Hug is amazing and we continue to do this every day. We have chosen a great song for our HUG Dance. Grace, your skills and compassion allowed us to reach a new level in our marriage. With your help we have begun our healing individually and as a couple. We are excited to learn and grow together and continue our love story. We never thought one weekend could make such a significant difference in our marriage! We are grateful to you Grace for all your love and support! You are an Angel from above! Dave and Linda Adams, Orangeville
Grace, unlike other relationship focused events that I’ve done in the past, where you walk away on cloud 9, and stay floating for maybe a week or so, it looks like the RRR has stuck. I see change in me, and change in Sandy, and it seems permanent. I can’t quite explain it, but I feel a deeper love for Sandy. Maybe the retreat reinforced all the good in our life, or maybe it’s just that I better understand who Sandy is and why she is who she is and what she needs (even though I can’t always be there for her). I read Sandy my Vows every day, usually in the morning so that it reminds me of my pledge to her and to myself. I can tell by her eyes that this is the right thing to do, the right words, and she knows “I get it”. Thank you Grace. Keep doing what you are doing. Scott Mannering, Redbridge, ON
Grace, I wish I had heard about this retreat earlier. I’ve known for years that there was something missing/wrong in my marriage, but I was trying to fix it myself and it just wasn’t working. When we left the retreat Sunday night, I felt such a flood of emotions, like I was floating on a cloud. I know this will be an ongoing process, but you’ve given us a huge head start and taught us how to open our hearts again. You definitely have a gift for healing hearts. Please continue the great work you do. You are helping couples and families stay together. Thank you!!! Rita F. Toronto
Grace, as we were driving to your retreat on Friday, I was so afraid and skeptical about how much my marriage could actually improve in one short weekend. We were disconnected for so many years and I really believed that we were headed for divorce. Grace, your gift of being able to reach both inside our hearts is one I will never forget and can never thank you enough for! Since your retreat, we have been hugging multiple times a day and I’ve done some research on heart memory like you taught us and it’s pretty amazing! Our 5 year old son watches us hug and I feel so proud that he sees his Mommy & Daddy finally loving eachother! You helped me release so much pain and unforgiveness from my heart Grace. I will love you forever because of this experience. I so look forward to doing your women’s retreat this fall. Ever since your couples retreat some amazing things have been happening in my life, and I can’t thank you enough! Brigette & Todd, London
Grace’s Couple’s Retreat allowed us to safely air our hurts and fears and to enter into a healing faze in our family life and our personal relationship. The love and support that we felt from our fellow couples throughout the weekend was inspirational and absolutely essential to the success of the weekend. The speed at which our progress was made was truly amazing and a gift to us. Every exercise was so well designed and supported by Grace that we were able to move forward in our healing journey. Grace’s passion for what she does was evident in everything that she did. It infused the whole retreat from the moment she welcomed us with open arms (literally) to her loving send off at the conclusion. Her thorough preparation was evident from the moment we walked into the retreat and she greeted us by name, to when she provided helpful personalized prompts throughout our healing work. Grace lives her life as a gift to others and provides the “Grace” that is necessary for healing. She is our “ Graceland ” Grateful in Graceland”, Ottawa, ON
Grace, I would like to thank you for all you did for us on the RRR weekend. Your enthusiasm, passion and dedication to what you do is truly a gift, and one that we have greatly benefitted from. As I mentioned, I was skeptical about counseling, I did not think it would have the impact that I experienced with you, as our guide and inspirational/emotional leader. I can’t believe that I started crying from the first night, and ended the weekend on a similar note. For me that was transformational. I have never stopped loving my partner, I just lost the ability to express my love through actions, words and feelings. That alone was more than enough to create invisible walls in our marriage. Your program opened me up again and allowed me to dismantle those invisible barriers, one piece at a time. I love my wife, she is an incredible woman. I thank you sincerely for you and your gift to us–that of renewed love, passion and hope. John F. Toronto, ON
Hi Grace: I just want to thank you so much for helping to lift the black cloud of anger and frustration that was hanging over my marriage. I feel like we finally have the clarity we need to move forward and be happy in our marriage. It was really amazing how you helped me to move out of my comfort zone and leave the ‘Executive’ role behind and just be the soft woman looking to love and be loved. Between last weekend and this weekend, I think I have cried more than I have in the past 20 years, but now I realize that those were my “emotions in motion” that were taking me to a higher place of health and happiness. Thanks again for helping me find in my marriage that was there all along!! Sharon R. Oakville
Your couples retreat opened up feelings that I didn’t even know I had bottled up inside. It allowed us to be open and honest with each other. Being able to share and hear the other couples made me feel that we are not alone. Thank you so much for your help Grace in helping me get reconnected to my wife. I have a slogan for you. “COME WITH AN OPEN MIND. AND LEAVE WITH AN OPEN HEART.” Nick Ciarlariello, Lasalle, ON
“I just wanted to thank you, honestly and truly, for what you have helped us accomplish during the couple’s weekend. I was waiting for a few weeks to pass, cause I really wanted to see if it made a real and true difference, and not just, you know, have the “high” for a few days and then “back to nomal”. Well, it made a true difference. What a feeling to have those POSITIVE emotions restored! I personally feel much happier, and passionate! The intimacy issue that we both brought up to you has been, well, let’s just say there are NO ISSUES with that anymore. I am so happy to have my husband back, and to be able to feel the passion for him I knew was locked deep inside. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted, I feel free to express myself and it’s just so nice to have those butterflies again. I need you to know what a true difference you have made. You are an angel. I know you get that often, but it’s true. I wanted to let you know that I had chosen a baby’s name but wasn’t 100 % sure. I knew I loved it but I was just going to wait and see. Well the name I had picked was “Grace”! After the couple’s weekend, because things happen for a reason, there is no doubt in my mind that if this baby is a girl, she will be called Grace.” Kim & Andrew, Kingston, ON (Postscript: It was a girl and her name is “Grace”).
Grace, your Relationship Renewal Retreat was a life altering experience–truly the most powerful time we will ever spend together. We never imagined we would find that kind of love again. We thought we were going to an ordinary (corporate) workshop– never in a million years did we imagine we would be given such a safe place to renew our relationship. It was truly magical. It brought feelings and emotions out that we didn’t know existed. Grace, I overheard you tell one couple that this weekend was about making their hearts so connected that wild horses couldn’t pull them apart. I will never forget that because it sums up perfectly what the experience was for us. We came home and felt forever changed not only as partners but as individuals….. Paul & Lori, Edmonton, AB
It’s been four months since our Couples retreat and we are closer than ever. We are spending a lot of quality time with each other, talking about our feelings, giving heart hugs, looking into each other eyes, making love, and always, every second of the day, feeling so thankful for the decision we made not to give up on our marriage and instead register for your program. Even on the days when circumstances have challenged us, we sit down and talk right away and share the real emotions, rather than just fight like our old pattern would have dictated. The awakening we had at your retreat allows us to recognize when that is happening and we make the effort to correct it right away. You are a wonderful teacher…but even more than that…a true healer. Since we’ve been back from our weekend with you, our kids seem happier too. No more moody outbursts, no hiding in their rooms (even our teenager), lots of family nights and each day is a blessing rather than something we all feel we need to survive. Our home is harmonious… I am tearing up just typing this. God bless you for all that you have done for us and our boys. They don’t even know you, yet they have benefited from everything you taught us. We love each other…and we love you. Andrew and Darci Burgess, Rockwood, ON
OMG Grace! Your Couples Retreat was the best experience ever! George and I are so happy we found you and your program. We are telling all our friends and family about you! We learned so much about each other and now we have the tools to make it through the stressful times. Now we are ready to make it to stage 7–true love! We haven’t cried and laughed so much in a long time, letting everything out was so amazing. I feel like the old Gina is back. I have my smile back on. And George is happier. Our house is so much calmer and it has had a positive effect on our boys. You will have a special place in our hearts forever. Gina & George T. Matawan, NJ
The retreat exceeded my expectations which were quite low coming into the weekend. It was really not my idea to be there but decided as a 40th anniversary present to Bonnie to attend and participate. The whole weekend was great and very useful. Grace did an outstanding job facilitating the weekend. She quickly was able to gain everyone’s trust and was very flexible in her approach. She was able to personalise couples particular issues and could come to our aide if we were stuck or having a crisis. Well done! Terry Jackson, Oakville
Your Couples retreat surpassed all of my expectations. I was at the point of ending our relationship but had read your book and felt that you could help us Grace. Before the retreat I was positive that I was with the wrong person. Now I know I was wrong and am so happy to fall in love with my husband all over again but on a more intimate level. Thank you Grace! We are now working on the relationship that we always wanted and deserved. A friend of mine asked me how our weekend went. I told her and she said that it was a miracle and she is right. Miracles do happen. You are incredible. Patricia Langley, Montreal, QC
Grace, words really do fail me when it comes to expressing how wonderful your couples weekend retreat was for us. It was truly one of the highlights of our lives together. You are a gifted leader, a strong woman and a talented facilitator. How wonderful that you use your gifts in such a positive way–to heal couples and, by extension, to heal their families. I was thinking when you were taking our pictures that you must have collected a great wall of photos by now of people whose lives you have touched and helped heal in such a profound way. What a legacy you will have at the end of your life, knowing that you have helped people to grow and strengthen their marriages and thus increase the chances for their children and their children’s children to lead happier lives. The work you do has far reaching effects and that is something to be so proud of!” Thank you, Grace. Anne Bokma & Jeff Mahoney, Hamilton
Your couples retreat went above and beyond expectations. Because our marriage was in such turmoil and at the point of divorce, it was difficult to believe that one weekend can have such impact. I am happy to say that we are very impressed with the results and are no longer considering divorce. Grace you truly have a unique gift for bringing people together. Don’t ever stop giving that gift.Your energy and enthusiasm is contagious. If not for your workshop I truly believe my husband and I would be getting a divorce right now. You allowed us to see the good in each other again and for the first time my husband really opened up to express his true self. We continue to build on our relationship every day with what we learned from you. We can not thank you enough for the amazing experience and still find it difficult to believe how one weekend can have such a lasting impact on our marriage, but it did!! Thank you for bringing us together again. Greg and Christina Biernacki, Detroit, MI
The past three days have simply been the most intense days of my life. There are very few individuals on this earth who could do what you do Grace. Many people think their vocations have an impact on people’s lives, but you truly change lives, and it must be extremely rewarding to see the results of your efforts. I was very impressed with the design of your program. You possess a certain genius that understands perfectly how to coax the most out of people. It is amazing how much “emotional distance” you are able to get people to travel in such a short period of time. I am truly hopeful that our marriage and family will survive. I also thank you for guiding me through a process that has given me a clear understanding of how to be a better man. I owe you a great deal. The world is better thanks to you, and the results of your work will live on for generations in many saved families. Trevor & Lynn, Toronto
Words are not enough to explain what a truly wonderful human being you are. You level of knowledge on relationships is astonishing and creditable. Everything that came out of your mouth was meaningful and genuine. Grace what you have chosen as your life’s work is truly is what you were meant to do. At the beginning of the retreat they were a lot of people who were crying tears of sorrow but by the end they were all tears of joy and hope. The weekend is truly a life altering experience and one that will change the course of my life in a positive way. Your sense of humor and your manner of teaching kept me engaged 100% of the time not once did I go off on a mental holiday because you are a dynamic speaker. Don’t ever stop what you are doing because if you do the divorce rate will go up dramatically. I truly regard you as a friend and a lifesaver. Connie & Carl, Sudbury, ON
At first I was very sceptical of the group format but the way you have organised it works beautifully. I was very impressed with the whole weekend. Grace you are amazing. I am a better person for having met you. You were able to see what we needed to do and your presence allowed Shannon and I to reconnect and better understand each other. After leaving your workshop I feel hopeful for our future together. I will recommend you highly to anyone who finds themselves in darkness in hopes that you can help them see the light as you did for us. Thank you. Josh & Shannon Cook, Deep River, ON
Hi Grace! We wanted to share our news that we had another beautiful little girl in November. Her name is Thea Grace and her middle name was inspired by you. You helped us reconnect and heal and as a result we have very loving and positive feelings when we hear the name “Grace”. What better reminder of a couple’s love than seeing their child! Please know that we think of you often and we continue to be thankful for your influence in our life. Wishing you all the very best. Big hugs from us to you!! Julie & Dwayne, Guelph, ON
” I anticipated we would have had a positive experience at your Couples Retreat, but I could never have imagined how great it would be! I feel we are much stronger now as a couple. We both feel secure, understood and more loved than ever before. So glad we didn’t waste any time or money on traditional “therapy”. I feel smarter having met you! Your approach worked for us. Your retreat was like the best vacation we’ve had together, mostly because of the baggage we left behind. We are no longer wasting energy on fighting. We are now tackling life’s problems together and making time for family celebrations. Our big issues have been resolved, what else could we have asked for? I’m looking forward to reading your book!” Rich Williams, Oakville, ON
“The Relationship Retreat exceeded my expectations by a wide margin. The reason, I’m embarrassed to say, is that I had my doubts that someone from Niagara, Canada could be a world class thinker in relationship intervention. I mean how can a former CBC “Gal” be a great facilitator/couples coach? Boy, was I wrong! Grace Cirocco is real, dynamic, and discreet. She’s enormously focused on the couples needs…she’s beyond the expression of “awesome’ in her work. Simply put, I have attended a lot of high powered seminars in my life…(I’m 60 years old). I’ve even taught some myself. But for me, Grace’s Couples Retreat is easily ranked “top 5”, maybe “top 3″ in my life. Words can’t describe my gratitude! I’m excited with the anticipation of freedom to be myself and know my wife as she really is. I’m open to a new kind of love. Thank you Amazing Grace! ” Brian B., St. Catharines
“The retreat was so much more than I expected. Not only did I re-ignite the love I felt for Arnie, I feel all my relationships have improved including the relationship with myself. I feel more mature, less critical of myself. I express my gratitude and joy on a regular basis. Grace, I loved your insights, i.e. “gems” about relationships. I felt like what I was learning was just the tip of the iceberg. Grace – I feel like you opened my eyes to so much – how fulfilling and beautiful a truly open and honest relationship with that special someone can be. My sons enjoyed hearing about the weekend…. now if I have a dilemma they ask me”what would Grace say?” They noticed a difference in me – and they were so happy for Arnie and I. The hotel was beautiful, the staff were great as well as the food – just amazing! And we loved meeting the other couples. What an incredible experience!!” Mary & Arnie, Sarnia, ON
“Grace is an Angel, I truly believe that. Her healing style provided us with so much relief from all the hurt we had caused each other. Grace has a deep understanding of people and I got so much from her, more than from any other therapist or counsellor. I would recommend a few minutes of Grace to everyone I know. People with her understanding are not common in this world. I am finding myself using her approach not only with my partner, but with all of my relationships…. ” Jonathan Langford, Whitby, ON
“Dear Grace: Your couples retreat went far beyond my expectations. I feel a great weight and the veil of denial of what was wrong between us has been lifted. It has opened up compassion for each other. When we talk to one another it is more from the heart. It has been transformative for my wife as well. She now sees her past, present and future from completely different eyes. And I now see her completely differently too. I called many retreat organizers but none jibed with me as you did. From the first time we spoke on the phone I felt your passion for this work. I prayed that you would be genuine…and from the first moment you spoke on the Friday night, I felt you were the real deal. You are a true gift to couples everywhere. I pray that you can continue your great work and heal other broken hearts out there. I know I will be recommending you to my close friends. This world needs people like you to get us to talk more from the heart and less from the head. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the gift you’ve given us.” Charles Sue-Wah-Sing, Mississauga, ON
“Your Relationship Retreat exceeded my expectations. I had hoped to be able to re-connect with my husband but instead was given the chance to build the foundation for the relationship of my dreams, one I had not expected to discover or thought was possible before attending. I feel like I can finally be true to myself after almost twenty years of putting up walls and pretending to be someone I am not. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, your energy, your passion and your spirit with us this weekend Grace. You claim that you just open the door for us and we are the ones who take the steps to walk through but I honestly do not think we would have experienced the re-birth we did in our relationship if it wasn’t for you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts in trying to make the world a better place, one couple at a time!” Tracy M, Edmonton, AB
“Relationships take hard work and “life” has a way of taking over our lives. But thanks to your retreat, we are now back on track. I feel great and I know our marriage is much improved since your RRR program. When I came across your web page I just knew it was the retreat for us.. Thank you for being our Light House to guide us through the storms in our marriage. We have been blessed to have met you.” Namaste John & Esther, Windsor
Grace, your couples retreat went beyond my expectations. I did not know what it was going to be like but I never figured it would have the power it did to bring out my emotions. It was a true eye opener. You are an amazing woman. Not only do you have passion for your work but you are so much fun to be around. Peter Boutilier, Barrington, NS
“I feel like we have a much greater sense of peace and understanding towards each other and we also know what steps we need to take in order to continue loving each other in a healthy, positive manner. Grace, your couples retreat exceeded my expectations as I was somewhat sceptical before I arrived. But I was incredibly impressed with your program and I now look forward to attending your women’s retreat as well. Grace, your understanding, patience, genuine caring and true empathy are amazing. We truly thank you for everything and are so glad “google” enabled us to find you!” Jackie Bennett, Caledon, ON
We would not be together today if we had not come to your retreat. We had no idea how to resolve any conflict that came up in our marriage. We had pretty much given up. Today we are back together and working hard to be better for each other. Grace, we could feel how positive and hopeful you and the whole space at your Couples Retreat felt. When someone believes in you the way you do in all of the couples, it makes you believe too. Dave and I really needed to listen to each other and to heal. Your exercises allowed each of us to say what we needed to say without anger or interruptions. It worked!! Thank you! Dave and Pat Dickson, Beamsville, ON
“I feel that we have reached a whole new level of intimacy together as a couple and I also feel that I have a greater sense of my “true self”. Thank you Grace for having such wonderful spirit and open heart. I truly appreciated how you focused on the root of our problems. Thank you for being so devoted to what you do and for inspiring and sharing your positive energy. I never believed in any form of help before, no counselling or therapy or anything but this experience at your Couples Retreat has given me a whole new perspective on how someone can make a difference in the way you view your spouse and life itself. Thank you Grace, you’re an angel.” Jeffery D. Mississauga
“Dear Grace: We were ready to call it quits, our marriage was over but now we see a light at the end of the tunnel, thanks to you. After completing your Relationship Renewal weekend we both realized we love each other very much. I know that our journey together will not always be easy but that is what marriage is all about. My biggest learning experience was “peeling the onion”, getting to the core of the problem and actually listening to each other’s feelings–letting all the barriers down, really communicating heart to heart. Grace, I was so impressed with the whole weekend. It was deeply moving for us. I felt the love and the acceptance in the room which made me feel so comfortable. Grace you are a wonderful human being and your gift is from God. Thank you for all your words of wisdom.” Cindy & Robert, Alliston, ON
“What happened with us this past weekend was like nothing I have ever experienced before. I fell in love with my wife and we feel as happy as when we first met but at a much deeper level. We also have this deep knowing now that we can and will work on anything that should come up between us in the future. I can’t tell you the weight that has been lifted from our backs. How you made that happen is still baffling to us and we both appreciate you very much. You are an extremely valuable person to this world and I hope those who really need you, will find you like we did. I feel incredibly free. I am a happy person at home as well as at work now. Little things just don’t get to me like they used to and our boys took notice how we are with each other. Your Relationship Retreat exceeded our expectations. Thank you Grace. You are an incredible person. ” Perry & Christine, Windsor
“I was my typical skeptical self at first but I want you to know that your Couples Retreat exceeded my expectations! I was very happy with the outcome. Grace, you have absolutely changed my outlook on life (I still have a loooong way to go) but I feel hopeful about my relationship with my wife. Although I was initially horrified at the concept of being in a workshop with others, I now realize that your approach in a group setting was truly helpful. Not only did I learn a lot about my wife and our relationship, I learned a lot about myself. I have a new outlook on life and how I perceive other people and their actions. I am now more sensitive to all those around me personally and professionally. You have renewed my once powerful energy. You have renewed my faith in “therapy”. I appreciate your open, honest truly caring style. The “love” you show people is fantastic. Dan Blackman, New York, NY
“I’m so glad we came back a year later to repeat the RRR experience….what a gift to our marriage! We were able to delve into some of our issues at a deeper level…Something shifted energetically this time and we found a new found appreciation for each other. On the drive back home we both felt serenity and calmness. We loved everything– the five star hotel, Niagara, the other couples, and most of all, you Grace. Your couples weekend retreat is one that you FEEL….deep inside of your heart and soul. Grace, you have been a life-line for our marriage. Bless you, your husband and your family as you continue to help the couples who come to you…..I am sure that many marriages have been saved because of the work you do with couples!! You are truly an “ANGEL”. We thank you from the deepest part of our hearts ” Filomena & Joseph Costa, Mississauga
“The RRR weekend was the jump start back to life that our relationship was yearning for. I feel a huge sense of “relief”…. I also feel a sense of freedom and a belief that I really CAN release the ball and chain (my anger) that has been weighing me down so terribly. Your Couples Retreat surpassed anything I could have expected! You managed in 2 ½ days to get us both to dig deep, draw out and express things that we have spent months (and thousands of dollars) TRYING to identify with other approaches. Grace, I honestly do not know how to describe to others what you do, but believe me when I say that it is truly a calling and a gift! Had I not experienced it myself, I would not have believed that you could have taken us, and the other couples to where we all ended on Sunday evening. I believe that every single couple NEEDS to experience your RRR weekend. It needs to be given to young people too as a wedding gift. Without question—it was the best expenditure of time and money we have made since Brian & I met!” Maria B. Toronto
“Dear Grace: I have been meaning to write you for ages. Thank you for saving our marriage! When Adrian and I joined you over eight months ago at your Couples Retreat, we were in relationship crisis. By Sunday afternoon we felt closer than ever and we had a renewed energy for one another after experiencing the exercises that we completed with your support. It was like being newlyweds. The vows we wrote to each other at the end were so much more heartfelt and intense then when we recited our traditional vows on our wedding day seven years earlier. Since your Couples Retreat, we have had our moments when we have slipped into old relationship habits, but then we use the handbook you provided to help us get through our challenges. The tools you gave us during the retreat are helping us keep our hearts open to one another and be the kind of partners we deserve. I can’t thank you enough.” Tanya Hodges-Rau, Goderich, ON
“Dear Grace: Your Relationship Renewal Retreat has met and exceeded our expectations. I thought Dave and I were at a point in our relationship that we could not recover from, but YOU brought us to new places Grace. I don’t think a simple ‘thank you’ is enough. The therapy and exercises you gave us at the retreat took our relationship to levels I never thought possible. I feel for the first time that he has heard me. My biggest learning was that he actually feels pain, shame, and guilt for what he has done. He has never expressed any of that to me before in all our years of marriage. I love him more now that he has, with your help, showed me his true feelings. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Forever in our Hearts, Dave and Kim – Sarnia
“Dear Grace, I loved the intensity and the passion that you put into your couples weekend retreat and your teaching style. While I came into this weekend with an open mind there was still a part of me that thought I wouldn’t get much out of it. (After all, I have been to so many of these things). Boy was I wrong!!! The process from the introduction – to peeling the onion exercises– to communication–to rebuilding completely made sense and helped me view myself and my wife in a different light. This would not have happened without the atmosphere you created from the moment we walked in the door. Grace I thank you more than I could ever express in words. Your retreat not only helped my marriage, but it helped me regain a piece of myself that had been missing for way too long…. I feel alive again, cleansed! You are blessed with a gift of healing and we were truly blessed to have found you…thank God for the internet!”Robert, Ohio
“Grace, thank you for your guidance and your encouragement as Rob and I worked through many issues that had been eating away at our marriage. As you know I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into your couples weekend, but I found as Rob opened up and really embraced the whole experience, I found myself able to hope too that this could be the beginning of something new for us. He experienced a shift like I have never seen before and am thrilled to see him still committing to the changes. He is like a new man. Thanks to you, we are talking now like we never before. We have also been hugging and kissing a lot…. You have given us something I didn’t think we could ever have and that is a happy, healthy marriage.” Marisa & Rob, Lethbridge, AB
“I just saw one of the ladies who attended your Couples Retreat here in Inuvik. She knew that I had done it in Ontario and wanted to talk to me. She had such a glow about her!! Wow what a transformation! Amazing! I am glad that you were able to come to the arctic and share your wisdom with couples here in our own environment. There are so many people that could benefit from your couples workshop. I want to tell you that Hans and I celebrated our 20th anniversary recently! I know that if we had not attended your Relationship Retreat earlier this year, we would not be together today. You helped us so much. I thank God that we were able to find you! Billie & Hans Lennie, Inuvik, NWT
“I could never have imagined a more dramatic change in our relationship. I feel completely different. I feel like I’m in a brand new relationship. It is a miracle. I never imagined it possible to communicate with each other more in a few days, than we have in the last 10 years. I felt empty inside before this weekend. I no longer had hope and I was simply just going through the motions. I had given up on “us”.. Without your help Grace, I am sure we would not have survived. Grace, you are so wise, so compassionate and you understood Bruno and I so well. You have helped us so much. I didn’t want the weekend to end.” Jenny Tye, Newlowell, ON
“I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders and that I can now conquer my past issues. I am beginning to look at my life in a new light as well see my husband in a different light. Grace, your Retreat for Couples was wonderful! I expected that you would give us communication tools but this was so much more!! I have read various self help books as well as books about strengthening relationships but this was so much more!! I found it fascinating how you were able to keep all our stories in your mind and lead us to where we needed to go. We were able to trust you and let go. You truly understand people! I loved it that you are so down to earth and that you tell it as you see it. I like your non-lecture approach and that you always spoke your mind. I am so grateful that we found you. I only wish I would have found you 15 years ago.” Cindy & Derrick Toronto
“Dear Grace: I feel so good about our relationship right now; I haven’t felt this close in years! I loved the journaling and sharing and all the physical contact and date night! Grace thank you so much – you truly are an angel – you helped me to see my husband through different eyes. Eyes of the girl who married him 35+ years ago. And I think I can say the same for him. God Bless You. You have a wonderful gift!!” Carol Olack, Pittsburg, PA
“Hi Grace, Just wanted to let you know that our relationship has never been better!! Your RRR was the best thing that ever happened to us. You helped us reconnect and realize how good we are together and how much we love each other; we will never lose sight of that again The heart hug is a huge part of our relationship even by text throughout the day, i.e. “HH” !” Carol Olack, Pittsburg, PA (sent in one year later)
“Grace, we are forever grateful to you. You are truly an angel that was sent to us. We learned so much from you and we hope to put it into practise. We love you. May all your days be filled with gratitude, peace and happiness. You are our “miracle”. Thanks for being our “Saving Grace”. ” Laura & Gerry, Brampton
“Grace – Overall the experience was more than I could have hoped for – I feel so much better – I gained a better understanding of myself, Karen and our relationship. The exercises helped me get in touch with the emotional side of myself – something that has not happened in years. I love your teaching style – there is a care and compassion in your voice that is palpable – your style screams “I want to help you, I want you to get this”. After many hours with marriage counsellors, someone helping you see the positive side of things and helping to actually work through the garbage was absolutely great. Both of us being in touch openly and honestly with our emotions in a safe environment is something that has been lacking in our relationship for years.” John & Karen P. Thunder Bay
“Grace, Your Relationship Retreat went beyond my expectations. I loved your approach, the program content, and your teaching style. I learned so much about my husband that I didn’t know before the retreat. Your retreat was an eye-opening experience that I will never forget. I am very grateful for the love and care and knowledge you shared with us and the other couples. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Karen R. Calgary
“I have never really communicated my true feelings to my spouse in the past. I know that sounds crazy, but I am not someone that easily expresses emotions. I am not exactly sure how you did it, but I was able to feel safe and comfortable in the setting and process you provided. I was able to really open up and I felt I was heard for the first time. I believe our relationship is in a new, wonderful place that I never really imagined we could get to in the past. We have a new lease on life and are unbelievably stronger as a couple. If you would have told me how your couples retreat could transform our relationship, I would not have believed it. Grace, your approach is so unique. I felt like you really understood us and you were able to push us along when we needed help. I am so happy that we found your program. I can’t thank you enough.” Christine P. Sarnia
“The day my niece, Grace came into this world, Roger and I met. This weekend, you, Grace were witness to and the facilitator of the re-birth of our relationship. Thank you Grace….Thank you so very much. Your ways gave me back my wonderful husband and put us back on the path we once intended to walk….Roger looks different to me…I’m the flower to his sun, just starting to open on a spring day.” Stephanie Ross-Alouche, Ajax
“Grace, your compassion and PASSION are contagious. You are truly committed to the attendees in your workshops and you understand and are able to remember specific issues for each couple. You have put together an excellent weekend renewal retreat that encompasses all ranges of concerns for different couples. I thought completing the questionnaire ahead of time was an excellent way to put our concerns into focus, and to realize what issues needed to be addressed. Your couples retreat went beyond my expectations. Bonnie Jackson, Oakville
We feel so much more aware, even enlightened, about my behaviours and their impact on my relationship with Stephanie. My biggest learning was knowing more about me. By identifying who I am, especially in certain situations with Stephanie and the value of being authentic. I now know what to adjust so I can get what I truly want – happiness, fulfillment and respect as a father, husband and friend. I liked the accommodations, the venue, the food, the exercises we did but most of all, I loved your approach Grace, your knowledge, your energy and your authenticity. I am truly blessed to have experienced your program. There just aren’t enough words to express our gratitude.” Roger & Stephanie Alouche, Ajax
“Grace: I already had confidence in your ability but you proved me right. You are a natural at bringing out emotions in couples -especially men like “myself”! That’s because you are a very emotional person yourself … You also obviously care and take a great interest in each couple which is very, very commendable and the reason why your sessions are a great success. After 41 years of marriage and living apart for the last ten years, I am amazed at the progress we’ve made at your retreat. Although we have not spent much time together since the retreat, we are talking every day and she definitely is making an effort to get things back on track as am I. Tonight we are going out to a concert. I will definitely recommend you to our “neighbours” and anyone else that could use your help. A suggestion – why not make it mandatory for all married couples to take your session every 5 or 10 years – know any politicians that need help and can pass a bill on this?? Just kidding of course but we all need this!” Bob Louth, Peterborough
“After completing your weekend retreat for couples, I am feeling calmer, happier, hopeful and much more positive.Just like the song says “I FEEL GOOD!”. I also feel more compassion for my spouse. This weekend has helped me remove the anger, the bitterness and “the edge” that used to show up when we’d speak. The sarcasm is also gone from my tone of voice. I hope this feeling will last forever. It gives me joy to FEEL that we are both FINALLY (after all these years) on the same page , working towards the same emotional goal. Hurray!!!!!! Grace, you were absolutely fabulous! I believe you are definitely doing what you were meant to do on this earth. Please don’t ever lose your passion! We both thank you so much!” Lory & Mike Mencarelli, Woodbridge
“I just read the divorce rate is 50%! If only we could bottle the magic that is you, Grace, I know that number would significantly reduce! Thank you for giving us a the foundation for a healthier relationship. I feel hopeful about my relationship now. My biggest “a ha” moment came when I discovered the role I played in adding to the dysfunctional dynamic of our relationship. I look forward to having conflicts with Norm because I want to show our children how MATURE adults disagree and resolve conflicts. Grace there are no words to describe what a wonderful gift you are…” Carol & Norm, Toronto
“Our marriage was stuck in a rut and we were in desperate need of a tune-up. Your couples retreat gave us solid, practical ways to reframe our lives in order to create a healthy, strong and loving relationship. By the end of the retreat, we had re-kindled our love, renewed our commitment to each other and came away with a sense of peace and security. Grace, you are a dynamic coach, nurturing, positive, passionate and powerful. Grace – It is hard to express in words what your retreat (and your book) has done for me. You are kind, warm, generous and unassuming. You showed this uncanny ability of making us feel like we alone mattered and what we had to share was important. You taught us how to navigate through our “stuff” in a safe environment. The hotel, the food, the camaraderie of other couples and the program content all exceeded our expectations. Grace, you exude enough warmth to melt the most skeptical heart. God has blessed you with a special gift and a compassionate heart. Thank you for everything.” Rose & Bert, Toronto
“Grace we have tried many things and have never come across anyone like you who truly helped us. We felt like you understood us and believed in us. I feel so much closer to Josh. We dug so deep and shared our deepest fears and dreams. I am amazed at how open he was and how much hope we both have. I was so happy to learn the differences between men and women and that there isn’t anything wrong with us. I thank you for that. Everything about your couples retreat was exceptional, even the venue, the White Oaks resort is fabulous and we felt so well taken care of…. “ Nikki Johnson, St. Paul, MN
“This was a fantastic workshop. I feel that our marriage is back on the right track and I feel connected back to my wife and family again. I now have a whole new understanding on how my wife is wired to accept love and I will use what I have learned this weekend to show her the love that she needs and deserves. I also have all the “Grace tools” in the future should problems arise again. Thank you so much. ” Joe Roberts, Markham
“We feel really positive about our marriage and emotionally reconnected. We found a way through all the hurts thanks to you. We know that we can move beyond our differences now. Grace, you are so wonderful and real. You are not judgmental as some therapists often are….everything about this couples retreat weekend exceeded our expectations.” Denise & Jim Darlington, Ottawa
“Dear Amazing Grace: I wanted to thank you personally for what turned out to be one of the most rewarding weekends of my life. Going into the couples retreat, I must say that I entered with optimistic skepticism. Like many other couples, Joanne and I had our issues, some more serious than others but nevertheless definitely threatening our marriage. After we left, we both felt a sense of awakening, inner peace, hope and new found love for each other. Life has no guarantees, but we both feel strongly that if we apply what we’ve learned from you we can have a better relationship than ever. It will also help us to deal with life on lifes terms in a much more positive way. For this, I can’t thank you enough. As I told you at our departure, you have touched my soul and I am giving a part of it back to you to say thanks. Never stop what you’re doing… From the top and bottom of my heart, thank you. ” Larry Le Gal, Cambridge
“Dear Grace: After your “RRR” weekend , we couldn’t wait to get home and start applying our new insight to our everyday lives. You provided a safe place for us to communicate all of our needs and sort thru it without getting lost in the hurt and pain. We both feel that the retreat was a very special gift for both of us. We loved everything–the other couples, the beautiful hotel, the homework you gave us, and above else, all your teachings. We have a new awareness, a new respect and love which is exciting…we are best friends again and our marriage feels new and refreshed. God answered our prayers and a real Angel showed us the way. Thank you Grace for your compassion, wisdom and sensitivity. We feel so blessed to have met you . We read a few pages from your book each night. Your heavenly insight is inspirational for us.” God Bless. Maria & William, Toronto
“Dearest Grace: For the first time in a very long time, I feel that my husband and I will be around to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary (our 25th is coming up in a few months!). The closeness and compassion I feel for my husband after your relationship renewal retreat is so different than how I have been feeling for almost a year now. I have been able to see our relationship through his eyes, and feel the hurt and heartache he has been experiencing. This workshop taught me how to step out of my own way and see things from a totally different perspective. This weekend gave us a chance to really voice and show what has been bottled up inside us. Grace, you provided a safe and loving environment for both of us so we could share and experience “the peeling of the onion” as a couple…..your humour and wonderful style of teaching helped to keep us intrigued and totally captivated…. Thank you for opening your heart and honouring us with your love and knowledge.” Mandi Neiser, Stoney Creek
“Thank you so much for all you have done for us….. It was an honor to be a part of your couples weekend retreat. We left with a peace of spirit and hope for our marriage and future. The weekend was very powerful for us. We have changed and we are celebrating the changes. Jeff and I used to fight every single night because we had so many unresolved issues. I am happy to say that the fighting has come to a stop and it is all because of you. It is so nice to not have the boxing gloves on anymore. Last night at dinner we held hands and said a gratitude prayer. We have so much to be grateful for. You are a blessing Grace. We are so thankful to know you.” Much love, Jeff & Lorraine, Maryland
“I feel very hopeful that we have regained a focus to our marriage, and our lives. So much of what’s been happening in the last two years, has been centered around activities for the kids, domestic chores, and work/careers. We kind of left our marriage behind somewhere, but now thanks to you, Grace and your retreat, there is a new center, and that is the couple that 19 years ago started this adventure called “marriage”. The restored communication has refocused our energies and priorities to include us as a couple and invigorated my love for my wife…The weekend definitely got us to really face each other and the REAL issues…..all was very well organized and conducive to open discussion without feeling self-conscious…..great balance of group activity and instruction to give me confidence to share my feelings openly. I felt very relaxed….” Chris Koroknay, Markham
“Dear Grace: I am so empty of the anger that once consumed every piece of me in this relationship. THANK YOU! We are soooooo much better together–better then we have ever been in our 18 years together!! We are touching and hugging and just looking at each other, it is wonderful! We came to your retreat feeling like we were both on the last leg of our marriage and we have come home feeling like now we finally have a marriage. We have even made it through our first disagreement which was just a disagreement, not a full-fledged argument like before and Marc actually talked about it FIRST! We are communicating in a totally new way… He even told me the other night that he was going into his “cave” for a bit and we both laughed. We both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.” Angela & Marc, Winnipeg
“Dear Grace: You performed surgery for us….I see in your eyes the love you hold for people. You Grace, walk your talk. The biggest awareness that I received this weekend was to step outside of my own pain, and begin to see my partner’s pain. The knowledge of how women and men differ in their communicating skills was also an eye opener for me…. My wish is that all couples can experience this retreat (married and unmarried)…. I feel a sense of hope and gratitude, deep love and understanding for my partner….I know we still have work to do, but we’ll be okay.” Filomena & Joseph Costa, Mississauga
“Dearest Grace: You have a true gift and those lucky enough to find you are truly blessed by your warmth, understanding and guidance. Words cannot express my gratitude for what you have done for us. You showed us how to take our love that had been left to die and give it the light and nourishment it needed to grow and flourish once again. I am forever in your debt.” Heidi, Burlington
“Grace, I loved your warmth and your courage. I could feel it instantly, and I felt I could partner up with it and trust you to take us on the journey. Your content was excellent and the exercises amazing… I’ll never forget peeling that onion. I found the basis of my fear in our relationship and it has changed everything for me. Reminding me of the value of my emotions gave me back a lot of backbone – I had become so used to feeling they were a shameful problem. I loved the one-on-one coaching throughout the weekend. I loved that if we stumbled on a problem or issue, you were right there for us.” Susan & Bob, Cambridge
“Dearest Grace: We had a great time at your retreat! The program was emotional and intense, and it totally worked for us – we were ‘lost’ but have found our way back to each other. You are a very special person to say the least. You have bestowed upon me the wisdom and ability to understand the needs and wants of my partner, Jeff…. Thank you for helping me to open the door in my heart that allows me to forgive and love again. I now possess the tools to crave Jeff’s love, not to reject his love. You are truly an angel sent to me for which my gratitude and appreciation can never be fully expressed in words. I am enlightened and looking forward to our new future together.” Jeff & April S. San Jose, CA
“The weekend was an unbelievable help! We had an amazing time!!! We have reconnected. We have passion again. We truly miss each other when we’re not together. We are best friends again. Our relationship has matured. We are more honest with our feelings and we are respectful and aware of each other’s needs. We liked the set up of your program, the atmosphere was wonderful. We enjoyed meeting the other couples. We loved how you inspired us all!!! Grace, you helped us break down little walls that could’ve really grown over time. We don’t have the words to express our gratitude for how you have enriched our lives and our relationship. Your perspective on life is empowering. You inspire us to be better people. We think of you often and we miss you!” Scott & Michelle, Waterloo
“I feel hopeful and excited about our marriage and future. I feel more light hearted and happier. I feel like my husband’s eyes have been opened and that he finally “sees” me. I feel a new accountability towards the success of our marriage. Thank you Grace.” Erin Katzman, St. Catharines
“I just wanted to let you know how much Michelle and I enjoyed our weekend at the couples retreat. It was wonderful to have met you, being around you was powerful and uplifting because of the positive vibes you give off. Michelle and I were working hard on our relationship prior to our weekend with you but I can truly say we were able to come away with so much more of an understanding of each other. Michelle and I are now reading your book TOGETHER and we also listened to your cd on the way home…I am glad there are people like you in this mixed up world trying to bring peace to peoples lives. Thank you Grace.” Ben Barile, Rhinebeck, NY
Dear Grace: “The couples retreat was very powerful. I learned a lot about myself and about my spouse, Ben. We are going to incorporate what we have discovered into our daily lives. We are reading your book together every night before bed. Much of what we learned parallels the spiritual work we are doing and it was just another reinforcement that our spirituality is so important in order to attain happiness. You are quite an individual; you are very very special. I felt almost lifted up in your presence and I could actually feel your presence for a while while we were driving home….I wish I could have spent more time with you so that I could be filled up with your goodness. You are so lucky to be able to help so many people.” Michelle Barile, Rhinebeck, NY
“I have never felt so optimistic and hopeful about my marriage…. I feel a kinship, a friendship, a wonderful loving feeling in my heart for the man in my life. I did not think it was possible, but Grace, you never cease to amaze me with your ability to bring clarity and meaning to the most hopeless situations. You helped us breathe life back into our sacred union, you helped us to uncover the magic of seeing and appreciating all that we have and heal the open wounds that were hurting both of us. The most treasured moments came when we ‘peeled our onions’ and wrote our letters … it was through these exercises that we were able to SEE each other and come to know our vulnerabilities and most importantly love and bless each other. I can now see our future together and I know that Doug and I were always destined to be together. So much could have been lost had we not attended your Couples Retreat. God bless you Grace! You are a gift, a magical wonderful angel! ” Jenna L. Georgetown
I moved back home last month and things are incredible. I am happy, loved and honoured. Grace, you had a huge part in our reconciliation. We learned so much at your relationship renewal retreat, and we were able to work out our big issues. We totally re-connected that weekend in Niagara – and the rest was just up to us to keep it all going, and practice everything we had learned. I feel so lucky to have an amazing husband who fought so hard for us, and be willing to put the time and energy into our relationship. We both worked hard. Things are good Grace. Still issues come up, of course, but we are dealing with them in such a different way. And huge shifts have occured in both of our thinking about situations and each other…” Tina, London
“We feel we have let go of a lot of our baggage that was in the way. We have rekindled the flame of love both for ourselves and for each other. We are ready to continue in the new-found passion between us. This weekend was magic. Grace, you are amazing, brilliant and you have such beautiful energy. Thank you.” Maureen & Peter Kolassa, Kitchener
“We feel more hopeful now after your weekend. We really appreciated and benefited from the individual coaching and support that you gave to us as we did the exercises Grace. We loved everything about the weekend… Susan & Pat, Buffalo, NY
“The weekend was amazing, it brought much needed comfort and clarity.We feel closer to one another, as well as more loving. We are committed to making this work. We loved everything even though at first we felt like we might be overwhelmed by some of the exercises. We quickly realized afterward how rewarding they were because we did not want it to end. Our marriage felt healed in that space. The location & hotel was excellent and Grace, what an amazing facilitator you are! We would totally recommend you and your couples retreat to anyone who is struggling in their marriage.” Scott & Laura, Kingston
“Grace, your couples weekend was priceless…. It is indeed the best thing that has happened to our relationship. You made me see a side to my husband that I never knew existed. Today I have a renewed love for him…..I don’t know how you turned that resentment and anger back to love in such a short time. You should know that we have had counseling by two marriage therapists in the past, however, we NEVER made the progress that we made at your workshop. Even our children sensed the changes when we got home….thank you!” Debbie, Guelph
“Grace, your compassion for struggling couples is exceptional and throughout the weekend, I saw you perform miracles. Thank you for opening my heart and paving the way for forgiveness. I didn’t think I could forgive him but I have thanks to you. Amazingly enough, after all these years, we now feel closer than ever before. I feel “renewed” and I’m filled with hope and goodwill towards my husband and my life.” Kimberly, North Carolina
“Grace, I was a very tough sell–I didn’t want to be with my husband. I didn’t even want our marriage to improve. I just wanted out. You won me over with your enthusiasm & your humour. You established a goal to aspire to. Our marriage feels like a well aged cognac. We have definitely developed a higher level of appreciation and understanding for each other and our interactions. Instead of being jarring and tense, we are becoming warm and caring. I thank you for such an incredible experience.” Connie, Newmarket
“You have helped me so much to understand that it’s okay to let go. You are wonderful and I would highly recommend you continue working with couples. I love what you have done for us and will never forget you and this weekend…” Gary, Barrie
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for being very good at what you do. I am not easily impressed and was entering the workshop with less than great expectations for the outcome. The workshop far exceeded my expectations on how we would be able to break through difficult issues and actually come out closer as a couple. Your unique blend of energy, humour and professional insights made the long results focused days go by quickly. There is definitely a renewed energy that I have for making the marriage better than ever. I believe we can use some of the basic relationship principals and grow as a couple beyond what we would have had we not attended this workshop. I know we will have challenges that come up however I am optimistic that we will deal with them in a much more positive way.” Tom J. Newmarket
“Dearest Grace: How can I begin to say thank you for the wonderful work you do, you are truly a blessing to us all. The weekend was more than I expected it to be and had such a significant impact on our relationship…..The experience has helped me to understand where my wife has been coming from and vice versa.” Lui Pisano, Toronto
“We are on our way to rekindling our beautiful friendship that has been tucked away for a while. I really feel that I have been given another chance to reconnect with my very best friend–my husband. Thank you again Grace for sharing, loving and making a beautiful difference in the lives you touch. You truly are an amazing spirit.” Kelly, Orillia
“I feel like I owe you my life, you saved us this weekend. I needed a different perspective on my life and my marriage, and you laid out the yellow brick road and showed me the way. I will be forever indebted to you. I feel rejuvenated…. I feel like I can feel happy again and have faith in my self to communicate my feelings and emotions to my wife.” Kyle Foster, Oakville
“I feel relieved, excited, hopeful that we have let go of some of the pain and negativity. I’m excited and hopeful that with what I have learned we can have a wonderful relationship. Thank you Grace! Tashi Deley. From both an individual level and as a couple, you validatedme/us. Words cannot express my gratitude for your guidance !!! ” Allan & Daniella, Dundas
“We are in love more now that we were before, and we didn’t honestly think that this was possible! Thank you doesn’t seem to be enough – what an amazing concept you have, the love you portray to individuals is so honest, so pure, it’s very refreshing in a world like we have. I hope your dreams of love reach further with each hour you give of yourself. We are blessed to have met you. ” Jeff & Leila Thompson, St. Catharines
“I feel renewed, excited, safe. I feel my marriage is very strong and that we needed to get back down to each other to see it again. We found each other again – we are a team again. Thank you Grace – I did not expect to learn what I did about myself. I know I would have spent and wasted more time being angry if it was not for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Tara, Pickering
“I knew that I would get a lot out of this weekend, I just never dreamed my husband would… He has been following your suggestions and tips everyday. The day after our return he put on some of our favourite music and wrote me a letter. He apologized for having had a closed heart all these years; for abandoning me emotionally. He thanked me immensely for having booked this retreat even though he wasn’t keen at the beginning. This letter was the icing on the cake after an already perfect retreat. I thank God for having sent you to me. I love you for your gentleness, sincerity and vigour for life. Your passion and talent is overflowing with greatness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Piera, Toronto
“This weekend has allowed me to make him understand how I have been feeling about our marriage in a long time. You have helped me in making him aware of my needs, my desires; what frustrates me; what makes me happy…. I finally was getting his full attention– something that I could never do in the past….You are amazing Grace… Between Friday and Sunday I could feel and see the huge impact this retreat, the tools given to us and your help, support and love had on all of the couples that were there…. The renewed hope of a better and improved marriage and relationship was written all over the faces and could be felt in the body language of all the couples….” Amanda, Montreal
“I am extremely hopeful and excited to take our marriage forward. We have gone from shut down, resentful, angry and mistrusting to responsive, honouring, willing to do the work, and grateful beyond words for the experience, tools and wisdom you shared with us. Thank you Grace. Your insight, heart and soul healed all of us.” Lisa, Barrie
“Grace, you have given us the tools to dig down and find the love we have for each other. You are the most loving and giving person I have ever met. Your ability to show people how to love really is a gift….” Dwayne, London
Your Couples Retreat met my expectations and then some! I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of the work that we did, the ground that we covered, and the gentle nature that we were able to do it in. Grace, you are exceptional at what you do. I felt that my psychological, emotional and spiritual vibrations were explored and heightened. One of my favourite exercises was the Peel the Onion. The staff at The Pillar and Post was so helpful and dedicated, the attention to detail was noticeable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Merav Richter, Toronto
Dear Grace: “I feel so much better about my marriage now that I’ve been thinking in terms of what is best for us and not in terms of “when am I going to split”. We are very close and I feel love again. We have totally changed our attitude towards each other. Our marriage feels brand new. I just pinched myself and it’s real. I can’t thank you enough Grace for what you’ve done for us and all the couples there.” Dave T. Toronto, ON
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