Couples Retreat
Experience “The Grace Fix”–A Marriage Therapy Weekend
Whether you are in crisis or simply needing a re-set, you will love everything about Grace’s Marriage Therapy Weekend. Learn how to communicate your feelings, how to let go of old hurts and grievances and experience an emotional connection like never before. Couples new and old, married or unmarried, gay or straight are invited to join this relationship intensive weekend. It is open to all couples interested in healing and enhancing an intimate partnership.
The GRACE FIX COUPLES RETREAT is a unique weekend INTENSIVE workshop for couples focused on healing old wounds, mastering communication and navigating difficult emotions together. Once you register, you will be asked to submit a detailed questionnaire outlining your relationship issues. From this place, Grace will be able to direct you during the interactive exercises throughout the weekend.
AGENDA: Friday 7:30pm – 10:30 pm; Saturday 9am – 6pm; Sunday 9am – 6pm.
First couple to register for each date receives a FREE gorgeous room upgrade at the Resort!
Upcoming Couples Retreats in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Grace will be retiring her retreats in the next few years to pursue other projects. If you have always wanted to experience her amazing couples weekend, this is your chance.
Your investment is $1199 + HST (13% tax) CDN per person. Scholarships and Payment Plans Available. Receive your tuition back if not satisfied with the quality and value of the retreat.
Date | Location | Registration |
May 16-18, 2025 – 50% SOLD | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
July 11-13, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
September 26-28, 2025- Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
November 21-23, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
There will be only 2 retreats in 2026 | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
Whether you are in crisis or simply needing a relationship re-set, you will love everything about Grace’s Marriage Therapy Weekend. Highly recommended by marriage therapists in Canada and the US, as well as past attendees, couples new and old, married or unmarried, gay or straight are invited to attend.
The GRACE FIX COUPLES RETREAT is a unique weekend INTENSIVE focused on “emotional intelligence”. It is not one-on-one traditional talk-therapy nor is it counselling, though Grace does spend time alone with each couple coaching and guiding because she has studied your issues before you arrive. Once you register, you will be asked to complete a detailed questionnaire outlining your history and your relationship issues, usually 4-7 pages of background that you will email to Grace. Your answers will be kept in strict confidence.
From this place, Grace will study your relationship needs and patterns and will be able to direct you during the interactive exercises. Grace has an amazing ability to get to the core issues in any relationship and can make both parties feel understood and emotionally safe so that maximum healing can take place. A maximum of 10 couples are accepted.
AGENDA: Friday 7:30pm – 10:30 pm; Saturday 9am – 6pm; Sunday 9am – 6pm.
First couple to register for each date receives a FREE gorgeous room upgrade at the Resort!
Upcoming Couples Retreats in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
Grace will be retiring her retreats in the next few years to pursue other projects. If you have always wanted to experience her amazing couples weekend, this is your chance!
Your investment is $1199 + HST (13% tax) CDN per person. Receive your tuition back if not satisfied with the quality and value of the retreat. Generous payment plans & scholarships available.
2025 Dates | Location | Registration |
May 16-18, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
July 11-13, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
Sept. 26-28, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
November 21-23, 2025 – Space Available | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
There will be only 2 retreats in 2026 | White Oaks Resort & Spa Niagara-On-The-Lake |
Register |
What to Expect
This is a hands on intensive experience. You will learn practical emotional intelligence skills beneficial not only to your marriage but to all your relationships. During the workshop, Grace will teach you many things about what healthy relationships look like and then invite you to engage and practice communicating with your partner one-on-one in private. The workshop is held in a large ballroom at a luxury resort. Our space is bright with high ceilings and lots of windows. Your conversations will be kept private. Only Grace will know your specific issues because of the questionnaire you filled out before coming.
Each lesson and exercise is part of the unique therapy process that Grace has designed to open the heart and increase intimacy, compassion and understanding between you. This is when the greatest healing shifts occur. Should hot issues arise during this time, Grace is there to coach and navigate between you. Even though your issues will be kept private, most couples report feeling a source of strength and kinship from the other couples present knowing that they are not alone in their relationship struggles.
It is quite AMAZING what happens at these Couples Retreats! Grace will not only teach you her amazing program for couples but share her own life lessons she’s learned from her own 40 year marriage. With this knowledge and hands-on practice, each person courageously navigates their partner’s difficult feelings and starts regulating their own emotional reactions. The result? The walls come down. Understanding turns to compassion resulting in deep healing and a stronger emotional bond.
This is a proven program! Over 3200 couples before you have taken this workshop with rave reviews.
Relationship & Marriage Retreat for Couples
In the book, Tug of War: A Judge’s Verdict on Separation, Custody Battles, and the Bitter Realities of Family Court, Harvey Brownstone says many couples cause extreme hardship for their children and spend thousands of dollars in legal bills unnecessarily because they cannot handle their intense emotions towards each other. Emotions like anger, vindictiveness, rage, greed, and anxiety produce toxic results not only for the couple but for the children caught in the middle. He says, marriages may end, but couples with children need to learn how to co-parent and continue talking to one another even through difficult emotions and not in the courtroom!
If divorce or separation is your decision, Grace’s program can help you find your inner peace and emotional closure regarding this relationship. If the marriage must end, do it from a higher place, i.e. more understanding and compassion, and less anger and bitterness especially if you intend to co-parent your children.
Significant research shows that it’s not divorce that hurts kids, but the name calling, criticism and tension marital breakdowns create within the family. Investing in this Intensive weekend program will not only save you huge legal bills, (the average divorce in Canada is $50,000 – $100,000; more in the US); but it will help you be the positive role model your kids need during this difficult time. Another benefit is that you’ll understand yourself and what went wrong in the relationship so that you don’t end up attracting the same “dance” with a new partner.
Retreat Details
Grace’s Couples Retreat has been so successful that it has gained a wide reputation with marriage therapists and counselors in Canada and the United States who regularly send her their most “difficult cases”. Thousands of couples credit Grace with saving their marriage. To learn more about Grace Cirocco visit her complete bio here.
What You’ll Gain
- Complete emotional reconciliation for those couples committed to their relationship
- Clarity and enlightenment for those who are confused and sitting on the relationship fence
- Emotional closure and peace for those couples who have decided to end the relationship
- A restoration of goodwill, trust, and forgiveness between you regardless of outcome
- How to identify and avoid the negative patterns in your “relationship dance”
- Emotional intelligence techniques to show love, encouragement and support to your partner
- Strategies for keeping your communication “emotions-centered” for lasting intimacy
- Knowledge of how men and women’s brains are wired differently
- Understanding the 7 stages of intimate relationships & diagnose where you are
- Knowledge of how childhood trauma can be re-triggered in relationships and what you can do about it
- Strategies for successfully dealing with the surge that is anger in relationships
- An incredible feeling of empowerment, enlightenment, and positive energy
- Greater compassion for yourself and your partner
- A plan of action for moving forward with no regrets
What Your Fee ($1199 +HST per person) Includes:
- Tuition: 19 therapeutic workshop hours with Grace Cirocco
- An in depth pre-workshop questionnaire from each of you that Grace studies before she meets you
- Individual coaching with Grace as needed throughout weekend
- All course materials including a workshop manual written by Grace Cirocco
- 2 spectacular buffet breakfasts Saturday and Sunday
- 2 three course gourmet lunches with beverages Saturday and Sunday
- Continuous coffee breaks with snacks, fruit and refreshments throughout weekend
- Free copy of Grace’s bestselling book and CD
- A 30 minute check in call with Grace to be used within 60 days following the retreat
This fee does NOT include your hotel reservation as some people have points and others wish to upgrade their rooms. Please contact the hotel directly and tell them you are attending the Grace Fix Couple’s Retreat to reserve your space. This fee does NOT include your dinner on the Saturday night as the workshop ends at 6pm that evening and couples are encouraged to create a private “date night” in either Niagara Falls or Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Please Note: Generous Payment plans are available.
FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES? Don’t let money stand in your way of getting the healing and peace you both deserve and keep in mind that the average divorce in Canada is $50,000, higher in the USA. If you are experiencing financial stress and wish to qualify for a partial scholarship, send your request along with a brief description of your situation and both of your Tax Notice of Assessments directly to This information will be kept in strict confidence and Grace will respond to you directly.
We are so confident that you will find tremendous value in our retreat, that Grace will refund the tuition portion if you don’t find value in her program. Please note: Only valid within 24 hours of completing the retreat. Also note: This is NOT a guarantee that your marriage will be saved if you’re in crisis, but it is a guarantee that you will receive VALUE; that is, you will heal, and grow, and leave with more understanding and compassion for yourself and your partner.
You don’t have to be in crisis to enjoy and benefit from this relationship retreat. 60% of our couples come because they realize that if they don’t deal with their hot issues, they could very well be. Every relationship has “issues”. Rather than sweep problems under the rug, it’s important that you learn how to navigate through the negative emotions and solve problems as they come up. Take a preventative and proactive approach and sign up now. You’ll learn and practice communication tools that will help you navigate through your feelings and reconnect heart to heart like you’ve never done before. Many parents have gifted this weekend retreat to children as a wedding gift.
About Grace’s Approach
Grace has been giving advice ever since she can remember. She is a master at relationship intervention, conflict resolution and understanding people’s emotional and psychological needs. Because she’s an Empath, she “gets” people. Her innate compassion and empathy allows her to navigate through your personal issues with sensitivity and care but she is also tough when she has to be. People love her direct, no-nonsense-tell-it-like-it-is approach and her down-to-earth charm and charisma wins favour from skeptics and fans alike.
Grace’s formal education includes a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in Philosophy Queen’s University at Kingston and graduate studies in Philosophy University of Western Ontario. Grace has studied a wide variety of traditional and holistic healing modalities including Cognitive Therapy, Neuro-science, Neuro-plasticity, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), Mindfulness, Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology including EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
Grace is an expert in an emotional healing process that she has pioneered (Emotional Brain Therapy, EBT™ ) and over the years perfected, which allows negative feelings caused by betrayal, deception, infidelity, abandonment, abuse, or any other conflict to become unblocked in the Emotional Brain (where all trauma is registered) and be healed. Once this negative energy clears out, the positive feelings return and years of disconnection end putting you on the path of love, joy and happiness. It is quite miraculous what can happen when you teach people how to clear out their negative feelings for one another.
Grace has been practicing this unique form of emotional healing for couples for over 25 years, long before university researchers discovered that traditional talk therapy is not effective with couples. In what is being called “the new science of love” in major universities around the world, it has been found that relationship therapy centered around expressing and healing emotions is ten times more effective for creating long lasting love. Grace’s Emotional Brain Therapy helps couples heal negative emotions and develop greater emotional intelligence and self awareness. Couples are able to forgive and restore trust, love and respect.
Our 5 Star Venue in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada
Grace is proud to welcome couples to her hometown of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Our Niagara venue is ideal for a couples weekend retreat and has been hand-picked because of its ideal location and amazing service. The 5 star, award winning, 4 diamond, White Oaks Spa & Resort has a reputation for its gourmet meals, quality service, health club and spa and attention to detail.
White Oaks Resort & Spa
253 Taylor Road,
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Canada
1-905-688-2550 or toll free 1-800-263-5766
White Oaks Resort & Spa
Booking Your Room
We have negotiated extra special rates for our guests coming to Grace’s Couples Retreat. Rooms are held for us up until 2 weeks before. If you’re booking at the last minute, there may not be any rooms left and you may have to find another hotel nearby. If you’re staying elsewhere, please note that both breakfast and lunch is included at our venue.
Sign up early: The first couple to register receives a complimentary room upgrade at the White Oaks Resort & Spa. Please register with us before booking your room.
QUESTIONS? Content or Relationship issues Contact Grace or call our office at 905-688-0868
WELCOME LETTER: Once your registration form and deposit is received, you will each be emailed a Welcome Letter from Grace which will outline all the information you will need regarding your weekend, including what to bring with you. You will also receive a questionnaire regarding your marital issues that you are required to fill out individually and send to Grace. Reading your story before she meets you allows her to customize the program to your needs so that you can both get the most out of the weekend.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations received 15 days or more prior to the start date of the workshop, you will be refunded all monies less $100 for admin fee. Cancellations received within 8-14 days of the start date of your retreat, you will be refunded 50% of the fee. Cancellations received 7 days or less will result in no refund. We realize that sometimes in life there are emergency situations and only in such circumstances and based on the sole discretion of Grace Cirocco will consideration be given for a one time opportunity to transfer your registration to a future retreat. PLEASE NOTE: GRACE CIROCCO INC. is not responsible for prepaid, non-refundable travel arrangements. There is no refund or consideration for “NO-SHOWS”.
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