Women’s Retreat

A Weekend Focused on Emotional Healing, Personal Empowerment and Finding Your Authentic Self

Date Location Registration
March 21-23, 2025 Riverbend Inn & Vineyard, Niagara on the Lake, ON Register

Are you tired of holding up the world and being everything to everybody? If you want to move forward either personally or professionally, but feel stuck or overwhelmed; if you want to navigate change, uncertainty and stress, but feel out of control, then this Women’s Retreat is for you. You will re-connect to your authentic Self and heal any relationship hurt that is weighing you down.

The Take the Step Weekend Intensive (The Goddess Retreat) is designed especially for women and focuses on healing past wounds and present day chaos. This life changing and transformational experience will give you clarity, confidence and courage to take your next step. Author, Intuitive Coach and Energy Healer, Grace Cirocco facilitates this retreat which is based on her bestselling book, Take the Step, The Bridge Will be There.

“How can I describe your retreat in words? What are some of the grandest words that exist? I have never felt so connected to my Self! I feel incredible, unstoppable, invincible. I feel like, finally, I am home…how do I thank you for that? Grace, you are a beacon, shining forth your great guiding Light, illuminating the way for all those who are lost in the dark. Before you, we trudged along, weary, wondering what kept dragging at us, what was so heavy there behind us, trailing in the dust… After you, we realized they were our wings, and we finally remembered what it was like to spread them, and to fly free. Thank you Grace for all you have given me, and for all that you are…”

~Leila Hossein-Khani

About Grace Cirocco’s Women’s Retreat

Grace Cirocco invites you to rediscover your authentic voice, to own the power inside you and to envision your life the way it could be. Her Intensive for women nicknamed the “Goddess Retreat” has been called life changing” and “the most powerful weekend of my life”. Others have called it a “spiritual and emotional boot camp equivalent to five years of therapy”. Traditional one-hour therapy sessions  go so far and many busy women don’t want to pop pills for their personal problems. Grace has found that the root cause of dysfunction in many people is trauma and emotional repression. These energy disruptions pollute our relationships, rob us of self-worth, and invite disease and illness.

In three unforgettable days, Grace will pamper you and help you restore your emotional balance, connect to your Spiritual core and empower yourself psychologically. She uses traditional and alternative modalities that she has learned over a 30 year career but also her own brand of emotional release which she calls Emotional Brain Therapy or EBT. Some of the other modalities she uses are Mindfulness, Guided Meditation, Energy Psychology, including Emotional Freedom Technique, Muscle testing, Neuro-Linguistic-Programming, and Psych-K. Grace will share the latest research in Epi-genetics, and neuro-science as well as inspire you with many personal stories and anecdotes. Your brain will change here and you will leave feeling “different”, i.e. happier, at peace and less afraid of the future. And you will walk away with new girlfriends, many of which will continue to support and love you for years to come! Grace’s Goddess community has thousands of members.


Why a Workshop Just for Women?

A lot of women at first glance seem to cope well. They’re competent in some area of their life. They’ve learned to juggle their many roles: daughter, sister, mother, lover, friend, wife, business woman, confidante…the list is endless. What people don’t see is the fault line on the inside that puts pressure on everything else.

It may be an abusive past (or present), clogged emotion, divorce, illness, burnout, loneliness or spiritual emptiness. Today’s modern woman is constantly under pressure to “do it all” “be it all”, and “make everyone happy”. Every woman has her story, and it is this story that, left unexpressed and unhealed over time, sabotages any hope of serenity and happiness. In this weekend retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to share your unique story. You’ll learn to slow down, be still and get re-acquainted with your authentic Self.

This program has been recommended by medical doctors, therapists and psychologists. Grace has brought her Women’s Intensive to Canada’s east and west coast and to the arctic. She has been teaching it for the past 30 years and hopes to pass it on to her daughter to teach.

Women’s Weekend Retreat Fee

All Inclusive Luxury Weekend (2 nights/3 days)

  • $2449 + HST (tax)  per person in Single Occupancy (no roommate)
  • $2199  + HST (tax) per person in Double Occupancy (one roommate). Please let us know if you require a roommate and we’ll match you up.    
  • MONEY BACK GUARANTEE on tuition portion if not satisfied with the quality and value of the retreat.  Only valid within 24 hours of completing the retreat.
  • DISCOUNTS: Register with a friend: SAVE $50 each. Graduates of Grace’s Couples Retreat receive an additional $50 discount
  • This program is 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE if you are self employed.

Retreat Details

Workshop begins at 3pm on Friday & ends 6pm on Sunday.

Who Should Attend?

  • If you have unresolved issues with CORE people
  • If you are “leaking” anger and irritation on those you love
  • If you feel stressed out or over-burdened
  • If you’re feeling alone, disconnected and depressed
  • If you need clarity about your marriage or career
  • If you have experienced divorce or other painful endings
  • If you have experienced trauma as a child or as an adult
  • If you want a deeper spiritual connection
  • If you want to heal a heavy heart from guilt, shame and fear
  • If you want to forgive yourself for past mistakes
  • If you want more passion, vitality and purpose in your life
  • If you have experienced infidelity or other betrayals

Weekend Itinerary

  • Arrival Friday anytime after 12pm. Lunch is served 1pm-2:30pm
  • Program begins at 3pm sharp!
  • Saturday and Sunday look like this:
  • 8 am – 9 am hot breakfast followed by time in nature
  • 9 am – 1 pm workshop with Grace
  • 1 pm – Lunch followed by time in nature
  • 2 pm – 6:30 pm Workshop with Grace
  • 6:30 pm Dinner including social time
  • 7:30 pm – 10 pm Workshop with Grace

Workshop ends at 6pm Sunday. If you’re flying out of Toronto or Buffalo, it’s best you fly out on the Monday.

Retreat Fee Includes

  • Workshop tuition with Grace Cirocco—approximately 30 experiential hours
  • An in-depth Questionnaire to be completed when you register that Grace studies before she meets you
  • A comprehensive 100 page hard cover binder workbook + a copy of Grace’s best-selling book
  • 2 nights accommodation
  • 2 delicious breakfasts
  • 2 three course gourmet lunches
  • 2 three course dinners
  • Nutritious snacks as well as hot and cold refreshments available throughout the weekend
  • A few other gifts & surprises


Generous Payment plans are available. Don’t let money stand in your way. Call Grace to discuss your options 905-688-0868

Read More About Grace’s Approach

Grace is a Master Facilitator and an intuitive healer known for her loving and inspiring presence and her ability to reach deep inside people and create powerful shifts. She is a leading authority on emotional, spiritual and mental wellness.  As a best selling author, educator, and life coach, Grace is passionate about empowering women and helping them see their inner beauty, light and potential.

Grace has pioneered a unique healing process (Emotional Brain Therapy) which allows negative feelings caused by past betrayals, and relationship failures to become unblocked and healed. Grace believes that when you unblock the heart, you’ve unblocked the nervous system, the mind and the body’s energy systems.  Her heart-centered therapy creates significant psychological and emotional breakthroughs. When our emotional river is unblocked and taught to flow clean, our vitality and life force is restored and we learn that we are Creators able to manifest extraordinary possibilities.

Besides her knowledge and experience, Grace’s greatest gift is her big heart full of love and compassion for people.  She cares deeply for the suffering of others. Whether you are a friend or one of her clients, she will pour love on you as soon as you meet her with one of her heart-to-heart hugs. Her teaching style is warm and captivating and her passion for life will inspire you to open your mind and entertain greater possibilities. It is very important to Grace that everyone feel safe and loved as they do this important work.  Many people have called Grace their “angel” as she has lifted them up and given them hope when they were at their lowest. To learn more about Grace visit her full biography on this website.

Get your Employer to Sponsor You!

According to research, many organizations in the private and public sectors today spend millions of dollars so their employees can stay home on ‘stress leave’. What if you could offer your female staff a program that would unlock their stress and give them tools to feel more productive at work and happier at home? That’s why organizations such as Health Canada, Swiss Medica, Guelph General Hospital, and Government of Canada, to name just a few, have sponsored their female staff to attend this therapeutic and educational course with Grace Cirocco.

Women who have attended this program report feeling in control of their stress, less anxious, more content, and inspired to make healthy choices regarding their health.  Women learn mental resilience strategies, emotional intelligence, self confidence, and self awareness so they can bring their creativity, their enthusiasm and their passion to their jobs and to the workplace. After attending this program, many women who were previously on stress leave for depression and anxiety were able not only to return to work but also get off of all medication. (Just check out our amazing testimonials from previous grateful attendees!) If you have an open and enlightened manager, ask if they would be willing to support you. Make sure to tell them that you will be doing this training on your own time, and that it will have positive benefits to your professional performance and relationships.

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